Clean Water For Life
Hepatitis and water; two words that can be a horror story for a victim infected with bacteria found in unsafe water. Tomorrow, July 28, 2021 is World Hepatitis Awareness Day and it’s important to know why.
There are a variety of Hepatitis types (from A-E). This virus, regardless of type, can cause immense damage to a person’s liver, a vital organ that sustains life. In some instances, the situation can become so dire, it can cause an epidemic that causes hundreds of deaths.
Some types of Hepatitis infectious are transmitted through blood and body fluids, or infected through drug use from a contaminated needle, alcohol abuse, an autoimmune disorder, even sharing a razor, if the person using the razor first, has Hepatitis. These types of viruses become chronic illnesses with severely damaged liver problems and more. While I’m not going to go into all the details about each of the types of Hepatitis, I am going to discuss how water can be a key player in the Hepatitis puzzle.
Organisms of all description lives in water and are totally harmless. It’s a natural phenomenon. But sometimes our drinking water gets contaminated with other bacteria like arsenic, E.coli, lead, radon and more. This is when water becomes a problem.
What’s interesting to note is this contamination isn’t resigned to only impoverished countries. It happens right here in the United States. Even as recently as March 2021, Nevada sent out an alert because people were getting sick; it was believed from bad water. Apparently the alkaline pH level had risen higher than the safe number defined as ‘7’ and people were becoming ill with Hepatitis.
Hepatitis can attack the liver violently and make a person sick for months. That is why it is so important that we not only make sure we are drinking safe water, but that children around the world are able to drink this clean, clear liquid. In some countries the water is contaminated, not only from natural causes but from unsanitary situations. In this setting, an entire community can become diseased with symptoms that can last for months! The sickness leads to the inability to think, function, and in some cases cause death, especially for small children or older adults.
While natural disasters like fires, hurricanes, tornadoes and floods can quickly cause contamination of rivers and streams due to waters mixing in with livestock excrement, human waste and other chemicals; trash disposed in the wrong places also have an impact. Household trash, plastic items, car parts, and other larger items can be found in lakes and streams across the land. These items are contaminates deposited in the water and are not only poison to humans but wildlife. The animals ingest their ‘find’ causing organ failure, and death, followed by decay. It becomes a vicious cycle, but not only for wild creatures. The contaminated waters follow the tributaries and could eventually end up in our drinking glass.
I encourage you to look at the glassful of water you hold in your hand. If you are secure in the knowledge the water is clean and free of damaging chemicals or germs, be thankful. There are plenty of folks around the globe who don’t have this precious gift, for personal sanitary needs or even sustainable to drink, for life.
#Hepatitis #WorldHepatitisAwarenessDay #CleanWater #ContaminatedWater #LiverDisease #HepatitisVirus #Disability #Health
Hugs For Health
#hugs #health #happy #family #hug your kids #relationships
Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a ‘hugger.’ It doesn’t matter if I saw you last week or last year, it’s completely normal for me to give you a hug either when I come or go. (Obviously not in the business world! Here a handshake is completely adequate.) I can’t explain it, but there is something profoundly wonderful about giving or receiving a hug.
Once when we were traveling some years ago, I met an elderly woman in the ladies room, and after a brief conversation, before leaving, spontaneously gave her a hug.
Another time there was an auto accident. I didn’t know those involved, but it was a teen-aged driver, who was thankfully unharmed, but certainly shaken. The woman who I assumed to be the mom of the teen was there, in apparent distress, looking like she could cry at any moment. Waiting for the emergency equipment to finish their work seemed to take unbearably long. On a total whim, I walked up to this woman (whom I’ve never seen again) and gave her a hug.
Does giving a spontaneous hug matter? We know hugging those we care about does. There is evidence that hugging—at least human touch, is required for survival. Some would even say we need twelve hugs a day for positive growth!
The action can make our day brighter and happier as a ‘hug’ sets off a reaction from a hormone in the pituitary gland that provides wellness attributes, that we all need, to sustain a healthy lifestyle, both emotionally and physically.
Even knowing how important hugs are to our well-being, statistics suggest up to one-third of all people are deprived of ‘touch’ and this includes children.
I remember twin babies born years ago who were separated because one of the little ones was having breathing issues. She wasn’t getting better, and a nurse decided to do something unheard of at the time and placed her little twin sister next to her in the incubator. The stronger twin managed to wrap her own tiny arm around her sibling and her twin’s heart rate immediately improved. This was a historic event in medicine! The human touch is vital to living! (Check out the YouTube story! It’ll warm your heart!)
Our children, learn new things everyday. They are sometimes afraid, have questions about their world and what is going on around them, including within the confines of their family. It’s so important to remember, as parents, that we recognize our children are as much in need of hugs as we adults are. We don’t think twice about hugging our spouse, and we need to be cognizant of the fact that our little people need those hugs just as much! It strengthens the bonds of relationships, gives comfort and encouragement and releases the hormone, oxytocin.
This idea is so important, “Cuddle Therapy” has been initiated. While research isn’t suggesting hugging (or cuddling) with a stranger—- like the hug I’ve given at least twice to perfect strangers—- cuddling an animal is also a means for beneficial touch, even though that isn’t human. While human to human touch is preferred, caressing, or cuddling with a pet can also be beneficial to relieving stress and anxiety.
Give hugs, accept hugs and hug your little ones (and teens!). Help them grow into confident, compassionate, loving, happier people, while adding to your own happiness and contentment.
#hugs #happy #FamilyRelationships #children #heal #calm #HugYourKids #CuddleTherapy #AlternativeHealth
The Light Came On
Ideas and epiphanies- putting the puzzle pieces together
I was next in line for the classroom, third grade spelling bee. Excited, I stepped up and waited for the teacher to give me the word. I was ready. “Vacation,” she said. “Vacation.”
Thinking, trying to sort my thoughts and remain calm I slowly answered. “Va-ca-shon,” I said, but could feel a knot in the bottom of my stomach, knowing I’d messed it up.
“I’m sorry,” that is incorrect. Fully defeated and stricken, I went to my desk, swallowing hard, trying not to cry. Pulling out my dictionary, I looked up the word even before the next person spelled the word. Va-ca-tion, Singing the letters in my mind, I wanted to run back up to the teacher and say, “I’ve got it! I’ve got it!” Of course that was impossible, but that sing-song voice I heard when I discovered how to spell that word, has never left my mind. It’s as clear now as it was over fifty years ago. It’s caused me to be a person who is not “OCD” about spelling words right, but it set the stage for writing that would last a lifetime!
While my epiphany wasn’t anything grand, there are those throughout history who really did have impressive epiphanies that made a difference in many lives! Consider Sir Isaac Newton who observed the apple dropping from the tree that was catalyst for formulating the Universal Law of Gravitation.1
Another “thinker” includes a stem cell biologist, Lorenz Studer who studies human stem cells due to a bone infection he had as a teenager. While attending college, he met another student who shared his interest and the radical idea of replacing damaged cells was an epiphany that has had a long term effect on people dealing with Parkinson’s Disease.2
Barbara McClintock is yet another person who had an epiphany in the area of genetics. She was sure she was looking in the microscope wrong, but after time away from the problem, returned and saw the chromosomes completely different. That revelation was to impact genetics from that time on.3
We’ve all been given minds to think. While we may not be geniuses or possess the ability to develop something grand in the scientific field like Newton, Studer or McClintock, we do have the ability to use our imagination to make our lives have purpose. We can use our minds to organize our days to be more productive, take classes that will improve our skills in our chosen field, or teach others the information we do have, and just have the sheer determination to allow information that travels through our minds worthwhile, or even give us that “Aha moment” when we figure out something awesome.
Having an epiphany is grand and it usually “sticks” with you, but even if you can’t recall any “real epiphany” every one of us has had a time when something just clicked inside our heads! Reflect on your life to see if you can recall any of those “Aha moments,” ---that moment when “the light came on!” How old were you? Was it a catalyst for something later in life? Did it change your way of thinking? Did it cause you to move in a different direction than you expected? I challenge you to use your epiphany do something creative and unusual, make a difference in someone else’s life or make a positive change in your own.
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Are We Still The Land of The Free?
We just celebrated Independence Day in the United States. It’s been 234 years. Some would say that’s a long time. I guess it depends on what it’s compared to. Compared to the age of the Earth, not so much. Compared to the age of a human however, it’s a lot! It’s so much, in fact, no one can say they’ve been alive that long, so there is no direct memory of what happened July 4, 1787. But we have records many people kept, because they wanted other people to know and understand what happened when they were alive. It is the manner in which history is remembered; even family history, about parents, grandparents and great grandparents.
There is a huge thrust in our society today to search ancestral history. Sites thrive which promise a connection with our past. It’s important because people want to be linked with those who came before, who helped genetically create, the person they have become.
But in July 1787 a time had come in our Nation’s history that demanded change. It was a time when the leaders and people of this brand new land wanted to create something that framed the way people thought, along with a basic set of ground rules for everyone to live by. So people like George Washington, Ben Franklin, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton joined forces, intellect and voices to create the document we now claim as the highest law in the United States: The US Constitution.
While no plan is perfect, and certainly the group of men gathered had to compromise on some issues, it did provide the framework of the law of the land, we adhere to, even now. That said, while the Constitution did provide the boundaries for the government over all, each state also has a Constitution and has the ability to create laws which are not necessarily included in the U.S. Constitution. This was part of the reason our country was involved in a great Civil War back in the 1860’s. There were those who believed their state’s rights were being violated.
What of today? There are those who believe our states rights—and even personal rights— are again being violated as laws are passed which not all states want to be part. At what point, do we as citizens, say, “I don’t think so!”? If we feel strongly about something, shouldn’t we voice those opinions? According to the Constitution’s First Amendment, through the Bill of Rights, we have the right to express our feelings without fear of harm. This is a wonderful freedom, yet as tensions throughout our country continue to simmer, and even near the boiling point in some areas, it doesn’t always feel safe to voice an unpopular opinion.
Are we still the “Land of the Free?” Are we still the great nation soldiers fought and died for through the years? The Constitution wasn’t a free deal. It came with a price. It cost the lives of many men on many sides. And it didn’t stop there as people became discontent with the government those years just before the Civil War. People became angry and took sides. Are we headed down that same road again?
I challenge you to take a good look at this great United States. Are you still “proud to be an American?” I hope so, but I wonder if there are those who would disagree.
It’s In The DNA
My friend recently completed a book on her family history. It’s fascinating to see the documents about her family and read about the lives they led.
On the maternal side of my family ‘the tree’ is researched back to the 1200’s, but I don’t have documents, pictures or any real written history of my family from there. On my father’s side, there is the family tree that isn’t nearly so far reaching, but a book about, at least part, of the family history.
It’s fascinating to see pictures of family and how often one person in the family just kind of looks a bit different! My sister’s children, like mine have dark hair, brown eyes, with medium skin tone. But right in the middle of my sister’s family is one child who has blonde hair, blue eyes and more fair skinned than his siblings! Jokingly, of course there are the comments, “he’s the milkman’s,” but in reality when searching down through the lineage, you’re going to find several generation back, was a blonde haired, blue eyed relative!
Of course, it has to do with DNA and genetic principles which mostly escape me, but I understand that each of us is unique with a long stretch of DNA that comes from both sides of the family, and through many generations! Is it any wonder there is the occasional child who picks up those genes to remind us of lives long past?
I remember a show many years ago where one daughter came across a picture of a great aunt she’d never met. The first thought was it was a picture of herself, but clearly the date of the picture confirmed it was not her! The aunt, as it happened, was planning a visit to her nephew she hadn’t seen in many years. Excitement reverberated through the house hold about the visit. Sure enough, the aunt arrived and the young girl, who was quite beautiful, met the woman who she mirrored visually, when the woman was much younger. Her heart sank when she opened the door. The woman was not at all what she expected. Her once blonde hair was now red and kinky and totally what she did not want to look like as a sixty-year-old woman!
What she learned, however during the visit, was there was more to a person than just their looks. The great aunt had been around the world, met kings and queens, all kinds of dignitaries, received gifts from princes and a whole host of other benefits from people she met along the way. Her personality and character endeared her to all she met. The young girl finally realized it’s not about how we look that matters! The important part of life is being “who we are” with character, values, a mission, helping others, kindness and all the other characteristics that make a person memorable.
When we recognize our character, values, mission, honesty, integrity, and how we treat other people outweighs what we see in the mirror, we can often be a lot happier with life, because we are happier with our self!
So I challenge you to take a good look at the person you see in the mirror. Are you struggling to look like the perfect “air-brushed” celebrity on TV? Is the person inside happy with who you’ve become, or is there a need for a little improvement? Do you demonstrate good qualities toward others and yourself? When you can be happy with “you,” accepting yourself for who you are, life is much more pleasant!
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A Walk In The Woods
I read an article about a girl who was left with over 100 stingers on her body after an adventure in the woods. Her friend, Anna, had been instructed by her mother to not go into the woods, but Anna wanted to show her friend a secret path she’d discovered. The girls were excited as they moved forward even as the shadows lengthened and the sun disappeared. At some point Anna’s friend disturbed a ground beehive. The bees swarmed all over her and stung the little girl mercilessly. At the hospital she was told if the bees had stung her any closer to her eyes, she would have been blinded.
Anna, who shared her story was feeling regret, even years later, that she’d disobeyed her mother that day. Her disobedience nearly cost her friend her sight. She certainly meant no harm by entering the woods in her excitement of sharing her secret, yet the consequences of disobedience were huge.
We all have things we regret, even if it is years later. Sometimes the emotion is so deeply buried it takes an unassociated event to reawaken all those hidden feelings. There’s a story about a man who in his mid-thirties is filled with remorse about the way he treated a peer in elementary school with horrible unkindness. He wasn’t at all sure what to do with his feelings since it happened several decades ago. Why would he have such feelings now? He even acknowledge he did not know the reason he was so consumed with this event. Perhaps his life was suddenly changed by a chance meeting with a handicapped person showing him kindness.
Anna, in the above story, was disobedient. Does this disobedience change the way she will handle her own children? According to one source, experiencing regret has an affect on decision making.1 Regrets, in theory, should help us learn something. It can create empathy for someone in a similar situation and cause us to reach out to others. Regrets can also motivate us to think before we make a decision because we want to avoid having regrets.
This doesn’t always work, however! How often have you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock and then sleep through the next alarm? My daughter as a young adult, was notorious for this! She’d then have to rush to get dressed, rush through breakfast (or get something later), speed the whole way to work and hope no police officer saw her and feel frazzled the rest of the day. In theory doing this once should be enough incentive to get up when the alarm went off. Nope! Didn’t happen. This routine seemed more normal than when she did arise on time and leave without having to rush.
As I look back on my own life, there are certainly times I wish I’d done something different than what I’d done. I can’t change those mistakes, however. Apologizing now would make little difference and it’s entirely possible the only one who even remembers the misstep or blunder, is me. It would do no good to bring it up now. But I can be aware of my behaviors and think through my decision making, so regrets are kept at a minimum. I must look forward with a good perspective and try to make someone else’s world good in whatever way I can.
What about you? Do you have regrets from your childhood? Was it from disobedience or just a curious disposition? How does that make you feel? Is there anything you can do about it now? Would you even want to?
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A Laughing Matter
A friend of mine went shopping recently and after getting a cart, discovered it was wet! She walked away from it for just a moment to retrieve a paper towel near the door. As she was returning to the cart (only about six feet in front of her) another lady came along and took the cart. Laughing she said, “Okay!” and made her way back through the entrance to retrieve another one.
The lady’s husband walked up about then and she shared with him what had happened. Another man, standing near the couple said in a rather nasty tone, “If that had happened to me I would have said, “ex-CUSE me, that is my cart!”
What has happened in our world where a sense of humor, common courtesy and good manners is beyond possibility? We have become a culture that is determined to think of ourselves first and then our neighbor. If it’s a stranger we need to contemplate, then consideration seems out of the question!
The story about the “stolen” cart made me laugh. I found it humorous the other lady nabbed the cart without considering it might be someone else’s! I admit there have been times when I’ve been shopping and decided to not get a cart since I hadn’t planned on purchasing many items. Once I started shopping, I realized a cart was necessary. I hated the thought of returning to the front of the store, especially since it would mean putting my items down and in the truest sense go out of the store without my goods because I would set off the alarm and be apprehended as a shoplifter! So if on my journey to retrieve one, I happened on an empty, and apparently “un-owned” cart in another isle, I’d scoff it up. I did usually do a double take to see if anyone was near and on occasion have even asked the nearest person if the cart was taken.
When should we consider misunderstandings as rudeness or a laughing matter? My personality demands it be a laughing matter. That doesn’t mean I want someone to be deliberately rude or nasty. But the lady who took my friend’s cart had no idea it belonged to someone else. She was probably like I was when my hands were full and wanted a cart of my own when shopping. She did not “steal” the cart to deliberately antagonize someone.
We get so caught up in the “it’s all about me” mind set, however, we are almost paranoid about someone else’s actions. We are sure their behavior, however slight, was meant directly to offend us. It’s as if we believe they planned it irritate us before they ever saw us, making their day complete when they could totally aggravate us! This is irrational behavior. It reminds me of a two year old who doesn’t want to share his toy, only worse because we’re adults! It is getting upset about something unplanned and just happens.
Our world does not only revolve around us, but others who share the same space. It would serve us better if we could remember that everyone has issues, and likely if we listened, possibly greater than our own. So the next time it seems someone is deliberately trying to annoy you, consider their situation. It’s likely no maliciousness was intended. Laugh at the situation and move on! Choose to be the rose rather than the thorn!
Special People In Our Lives
A friend of mine shared recently how a special person in her life very nearly “saved her life.” It seems when she was small, she found herself in the presence of this “special person” often. Without realizing it, an impression was being made, even if along the way, bad choices were made.
My friend described herself as bullheaded and difficult, creating a situation where a dramatic decision was made by her “special person” that was both wonderful yet horrifyingly painful. At the time my friend was angry, resentful and wanted to lash out, yet her “special person” stayed solid as a rock, unwavering in her decision. Years later, my friend could see the wisdom of the decisions made and in this way “saved her life.”
I don’t know all the circumstances my friend was describing because it was clear the events were traumatic and she wasn’t ready to share that information. But it made me think about people in my life who made a difference.
It’s interesting, I found a “Mr. Rogers” clip that was very moving about just this kind of thing. We often, in our daily lives, do not realize the impact we have on other people. It may be a simple act of spontaneous kindness that another person desperately needed. Perhaps it was nothing more than smiling at a stranger or saying hello! It could be a sibling who sacrificed time and energy for another sibling who was going through a bad time, or the parent, aunt our uncle who stepped in during a particularly rough time in our life.
What I found particularly interesting is how my friend shared her grateful heart with her “special person” many years later. She wrote a public letter, without including specifics of the situations, and posted it for all the world to see. I find this action particularly touching and maybe even courageous. Surely there would be those who knew the particulars and could immediately identify what she was referring to. There would be others, like me, who don’t know and choose not to ask. But certainly there are others who would not hesitate to ask questions regarding the details. It would be here she would have to decide how much of her past she would make public, some, all or perhaps even none. It is, after all, no one’s business but hers.
Life is a precious gift and very often we forget that. We not only fail to remember that, but we also neglect to thank someone who has helped us in ways they may not even know. There’s no shame in admitting we needed or need help in any situation. We are human and sometimes situations become so complex and convoluted, we can’t see clearly. We become so wrapped up in the emotional side of it, our focus is skewed, and we end up make a bad decision because we are too proud to ask for help.
I challenge you first to reflect on your past and remember a person (or more) who impacted your life in specific ways. It could be all positive memories or it could be tinged with a hint of “If they hadn’t stepped in, said something, or done something,” I could have easily made a bad decision. Second, I challenge you thank the person you just thought of. Let him/her know you are grateful they were (or are) a part of your life.
Filling Many Baskets
A friend of mine said recently, “I am just in awe of an artist. I am amazed at the ability to be creative enough to express it in a painting or have the skill to put words on paper that make clear concrete thoughts others would like to read!”
I admit, I don’t consider myself an artist. That would be my son, who is an amazing artist and accomplished photographer! I’m “chatty” and just put on paper what I’m thinking. From my perspective, no particular, artistic skill.
That said, like other writers, I would love to be able to earn enough from my writing to live on! Alas, I am no Danielle Steel or C.S. Lewis! As I thought about this, I discovered my particular occupation requires creativity in another area. I need to creatively enhance my income through other arenas.
I need not, and should not rely solely on monies I could make from writing “the great American novel” or even magazine articles. I must look elsewhere to enrich funds being brought in. I can’t put all my “eggs in one basket!” This may mean blogging and getting paid for it. (I blog, but it’s for free!) There are speaking engagements, writing advertisements, tutoring, writing greeting cards and more! But it’s pulling all these together that make it work.
Life’s a bit like that. We are a lot of things to a lot of people. We sometimes have to be creative to make situations work or even relationships! Everyone knows creativity with a child is always a good thing! It doesn’t mean we are experts in any one area. It means we use the varied gifts we are given to communicate with different people. This is what brings us happiness.
With a co-worker it might require listening while they rant over some infraction from someone else or giving encouragement when there is an illness in the family or when there are other problems. To a homeless person, it might be buying a burger for their lunch. To aging parents, it might be taking them to the doctor because they are afraid of being alone to hear bad news. To a child it could be giving a hug and saying I love you! To our spouse it could be preparing a special surprise “date dinner!”
It’s also a truism for activities in our life. It’s rare to say there is only one thing in our life which brings us joy. We often have more than one (even several) hobbies and interests. It’s when all these are tied together we find the most satisfaction. I like to quilt and read, while my husband likes chess and NASCAR racing!
Life isn’t about being or doing one thing. It’s about sharing the gifts we have, no matter how inconsequential they might seem to us, and not putting all our “eggs in one basket!” So I challenge you this week to consider what you have to offer. Begin by making time to reflect on your passions! Branch out!
Try something completely new! What have you always wanted to do but never tried because you didn’t have the time, weren’t old enough, or just afraid to!? Start of journey of discovery! Become the person you are designed to be! Pull together all your different abilities to make the most of who you are and enrich your life! Become an artist in whatever talent you discover. It’s about enjoying the process….. and the final product!
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Finding My Destiny
My friend was sharing things about her high school years when she said, “When I started doing other student’s Chemistry homework in 10th grade, I knew I had found my calling. My instructor helped me figure out that I was destined to be a Chemist!” She is now a practicing Scientist who loves her work, feeling productive, while enjoying the process!
People for years have desired to know their purpose in life, asking “Why am I here?” What am I supposed to do?” They go through years searching for their “destiny” as they bob from job to job, or even not working or doing anything constructive as they search their minds for answers. Some people will use astrology, psychics, numerology and other means in their search while others, like myself believe God has a plan for our lives and ultimately it is where life will take us, when we stop to recognize it.
When I was a little girl, my mother always said I was going to be a preacher, although she didn’t really believe this, since women preachers were unheard of at the time. And, I don’t believe I ever thought preaching would be my destiny. In fact, I don’t recall even giving it a consideration. As I moved through elementary school, I recall thinking about writing, but apparently, other than one other friend, no one shared my view! In high school I decided I would teach. Then I shifted my focus to business classes since I was sure college would not be an option, given our family’s financial situation. As it turned out, I married and none of the options seemed likely!
As my children grew, I found myself in the classroom as substitute, and an Instructional Assistant. In my mid-thirties I turned back to writing. I loved it! I found what I wanted to do! But, like any “art” it takes more than just desire to be successful. I still had five children and a husband to care for and time just wasn’t free for sitting down to hone my craft. But I wrote, and sent out manuscripts but very little was published. Still, the desire was there, so despite the lack of publication, I continued to write! Finally, just before reaching age fifty, I made it to college, and of all things majored in Early Elementary Education, even though I never expected to have my own classroom!
My point of sharing all this is, we are each called to do something. Destiny is defined as events that happen through a hidden power to control a person’s future. As I look back on the events from my life, I see my mother was on the right track (no, I am not a preacher, but I do have a strong faith I choose to share), I enjoy teaching, and my passion is writing! My combined teaching skills, business education, along with my writing ability, and faith all come together to be an inspirational writer, with the goal of making a difference in the lives of those who read my work!
Once a person can identify their true passion, that thing (or things) in life that really bring them joy; it can be refined and narrowed down so the work becomes their destiny! I challenge you to look back on your life and see what it is that especially makes your dreams come true. When you can do this, what do you see? Can you see destiny?
Be The Best I Can Be
“The lady near me whined and whined,” commented my friend after she returned from the gym. “It went beyond a whine, even; she was rigorously complaining instead of rigorously working to her trainer about her workout about how she’ll never look like a fit 21-year-old!
“The young trainer, though, was wise beyond his years,” she continued. He looked at her and said, “‘Look, it is likely you will never look that young again. You’re not supposed to! That should not be your goal. You are 45, and there is nothing wrong with that. But your goal is to be the best looking 45 year old you can be! This process is going to take a lot of dedication and maybe even some pain, but ultimately if you hang with it, you’ll feel better too!’”
While the woman was clearly shocked at the trainer’s words, he was spot on! We’ve become a society where complaining is acceptable even as we are envious of others while wanting success without any effort! What makes this worse is our government seems inclined to aid in that mind-set and offers monies for a sustainable time period for those who would abuse the system at the expense of working folks.
I admit I need to exercise! I’m not in horrible shape, but exercise would be good. I’ve been reading about “preparing for the the next big catastrophe” and one thing I’ve found is that exercising is encouraged, because our “easy, sit in the chair” world we live in now, may be non-existent!
Studying in a variety of subjects is something else that would be good for anyone who wants to learn more. I fit in that category, as well! Now that said, I love to study. My problem was trying to figure out how to fit everything I wanted to study into a workable work week! I don’t go to a scheduled college class so everything I do requires self-discipline. That’s the tough part. Life has a way of stealing my study moments, and I find my study time is often placed on the shelf due to other pressing problems.
Now my son is quick to jump on that statement with an adamant correction. In essence we find time for those things we find valuable. He’s right! If something is important to me, then I need to make time to see the project through. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. It means eliminate television, (which isn’t a problem unless it’s already on!) It means spending less time surfing the net and scrolling down through face book posts! It means deciding how important my study time really is, and making sure I accommodate my desire to be the best I can be!
So I encourage you to join me in doing less whining, and dedicate yourself to whatever you find particularly important in your life you aren’t doing now. It may be exercising, getting a degree, quilting or crafting, spending time with family, volunteering, independent studying or any other important task before you. It’s the only way you are going to be the best you can be!
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Finding “My Happy!”
I read a post some months ago from a lady who was talking about “finding her happy!” She was explaining how we don’t take the time in our busy daily lives to let those closest to us know that we love them or take the time to express the joy for where we are right now in life. Instead we search for what’s around the next bend, or dream about life on the other side of the fence and in so doing, we miss being happy right where we are!
In the morning when I wake I walk to the window and look at the mountains around me. They are strong and sure, beautiful and solid, reassuring and comforting, giving me a feeling of unbelievable peace. I have found “my happy!” When I turn on the Gospel music that fills my heart with calm assurance of my eternity, I again have found “my happy!”
When I look in the eyes of my children that have mixed qualities of both their father and me, who have grown into responsible adults, I again have found “my happy.” And when I tenderly hold a grand baby, an extension of love for yet another generation, I have again, found “my happy.”
There are little things all day that make me smile; a good cup of coffee, a ride down a country road, a good book, a smile from a stranger, a piece of pecan pie, the hug from a child, my husband holding my hand while walking in the mall, the satisfaction of doing something productive and even sitting down to a meal with my family. Isn’t this what we all want?
As I get older I find along with all the wonderful events in the day that bring me joy and “my happy,” there is still another. I find “my happy” being able to make a difference in the lives around me and maybe even in lives of people I haven’t met.
I’ve been accused of being “too friendly!” In my eyes there are no strangers, just friends I haven’t met yet! (That doesn’t mean I’m totally careless when cast among people I don’t know. I just choose to look for a person’s good qualities before I recognize those less than kind qualities!) Perhaps that’s part of my “Polly Anna” attitude, but I can’t abide being suspicious and contrary just because the world isn’t perfect!
But if I can make another person smile just from being kind, encouraging, giving a sincere compliment, helping them if they need it, or in any other way, then I’ve really found “my happy!” In fact on my business card you’ll find the words: “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” These are words I choose to live by.
Think of it! How different our world would be if every day we each started with this mentality, and especially if we carried this thought process all day, no matter who we met up with or what event happened that wasn’t as pleasant as we’d hoped. Does it take effort? You bet! Not every moment of every day is good! But it’s how we react to the situation that determines how the rest of the day is going to be.
So I challenge you. Find your “happy.” Make a decision to look for the good and respond positively regardless of who you meet and what happens. You can be sure it’ll make for a much better, less stressful day!
Waiting For A Rescue
Several years ago, my husband and I were away when our daughter called to tell us our new little kitten was missing. She was distraught since he was in her care. Assuring her he would eventually show up, to not fret and just keep calling him, she calmed down.
Waiting a while, she went out again and called and called him. This time, however, she began hearing a faint “meow.” Excited at finding the lost creature, she started following the sound and located the little guy forty feet above her in a tree! She had no idea what on earth caused him to climb so high. He was clearly frightened and completely unsure how to make his way down, regardless of the coaxing my son, who was now home, and she, tried. When that didn’t work our son tried climbing the tree. The fairly skinny tree with only small, flimsy limbs with nothing solid to stand on, offered only failure.
Night fell and still the kitten wasn’t down. Tearfully, my daughter called me, again. During the night both son and daughter actually went out to try again, trying a laser light, shaking the treat bag and any thing else they could think of! No luck. Then the rain started. Still the kitten remained in the tree. The next morning, he’s still there meowing pitifully, waiting for someone to please rescue him.
Rescue did finally come in the form of a boom truck by a man who cuts down trees for a living, who used his equipment to retrieve the grateful kitten. We were completely relieved!
There are all kinds of reasons people need rescuing! In the very literal sense people need rescuing from floods, avalanches, hiking and getting lost or attacked by a wild animal, a fire, snowstorm or ice storm, medical emergency like heart attacks or scores of other medical problems; hurricanes, car accidents, tornados or even terrorist attacks, given the world we live in.
There are also emotional rescues where someone needs a friend to talk to, someone willing to share their faith to someone in despair, someone to love, or someone who is sitting by the telephone trying to decide a life or death decision by committing suicide.
Sometimes a person needs rescuing from boredom, (I’ve seen the request on face book asking for someone to make contact because they were really bored!) Or what of the person walking in the rain whose car has broke down, relieved when a car comes along, or the case of wanting rescued from an over achieving talker at a party.
Still there are those who are rescued from a life of crime, or poverty, because someone believed in them and gave them a job. Other times a person is rescued from bad social graces/manners through a class, or rescued by kind hearts who consider adoption. Sometimes rescue comes in the form of a book that takes you to another place or, a phone call or visit, just when you needed encouragement. It’s important we offer aid, if we can.
Our little creature didn’t climb the tree with the knowledge he’d not be able to get down, but there are times when people expect “rescue” when they are in a tight spot, when it’s apparent they are in a “sticky” situation, due to choices they made. How does a person reconcile helping again and again those who would abuse another’s kindness?
And taking that thought one step farther, are there institutions or organizations in place that actually encourages this kind of abuse? What should be done about it? Can anything be done?
Taken Away
I read a short poem about a Kentucky soldier who was killed in battle during WWII. The country boy was taken away from the land he loved, away from the mountain bird songs, away from clear water brooks and the sound of hunting dogs to hunt with when hunting game. He’d gone off to another land to fight a battle and a single shot ended all the dreams he’d had as a boy, shattered the heart of parents who loved him and the chance to one day have a family of his own.
It’s sad to think we as a nation, still have the need to send our young men into battle in foreign lands, not unlike those battles fought in WWII. And still with a single shot one can still be lost. I know when our oldest son went over to Iraq some years ago, I was terrified. I was the proud momma of a Marine who was properly trained to battle, but knew his life could be taken in an instant.
Still there are those who walk the streets of big cities across the country and live in a “war zone” every day, right here in America. Is that much different? In some ways it’s worse. When we are fighting an organized military battle, at least there seems to be an amount of validation for the behavior.
Our young soldiers are fighting for the freedoms many have come to consider “owed” us, as allowed in our constitution. It’s sad, but true, that our “rights” as guaranteed in the constitution, sometimes must be defended. But we should never feel like our rights are “owed.” Our rights are a privilege and soldiers over the decades and across generations, have given their lives to protect it.
How does this compare to the upheaval in big cities, as people riot, burn buildings and cars, causing serious injury to others including policemen? When a person dies from a drug related battle, a drive by shooting, anger of any kind in the streets, desperation, plain meanness, power, terror attacks or anything like that, it is worse, much worse. We are supposed to be living in “the land of the free.”
Our lives are filled everyday with “what ifs?” We can get killed in an auto accident, a heart attack, or even a tree falling on us. We can’t know when our life will be over. We’re not promised another breath. It is up to us to make the most of our lives, in the most productive and encouraging way possible. It’s important to love purely, and to let those we care about know how we feel, because we may not have another day to tell them.
Every time another soldier dies, is another time to be reminded our sons and daughters are a gift and each moment is precious. Every morning the sun rises is another day to tell your loved ones you love them. Cherish each second, because you aren’t promised another breath.
Hand Me Down Blues
Photo Credit 1992 Sears Catalogue
One of the greatest pleasures, as a child, came each Fall when the Sears Christmas Wish Book arrived in the mail. Hours of pure delight were spent searching for the perfect outfits for my imaginary husband and children! I dreamed one day, I could buy all the clothes that caught my fancy every season! Money would not be an issue, the brand unimportant; they just needed to be what I liked.
School shopping in my childhood was an event just as it is today, except ours meant cleaning out closets and passing the outgrown clothes down to the next child in line. The oldest child’s wardrobe came “new” from a second hand store or from someone else in our church family who were almost as poor as we. A new “hand me down” was as cherished as buying a new store outfit.
Having had five children, our own family continued the tradition of passing clothes down to the next one in line. It seemed logical when clothes were not worn out by an older child, a younger one should wear it. This doesn’t mean, however, the younger ones did not get new clothes. Our family had the means, so each child had some new outfits when school began each Fall, but not before closets were cleaned to see what was needed.
My youngest daughter, in her twenties, loved shopping for clothes. She didn’t buy the most expensive brands but she bought in abundance. Her closet overflowed even after her two older sisters no longer gave her their “hand me downs.” She didn’t outgrow them any longer, but her tastes changed. So occasionally she still had reason to clean her closet. It was always she who was the last in line for her sister’s “hand me downs.” Now, since she was the taller of the three, she had the opportunity to give “hand me downs” to her sisters.
When my second oldest daughter left for an eight week summer school program at a college in another state, she took with her three suitcases, a box and travel bag full of her things including jeans, shorts, shirts, dresses, skirts and more. Certainly she had an outfit for any situation that might arise. This is a startling contrast to when I married and left home nearly 48 years ago. I took with me a rather small suitcase and two paper bags filled with all I owned.
Was the lifestyle I led as a child all that tragic? Clothes, while an important commodity was not a fundamental issue to who I was. Granted, a person was defined to some degree according to what he wore. It was easy to identify the poorest child in the class or the richest. Still, qualities that made a person, such as kindness, honesty, attitude, and friendliness, still prevailed.
Today’s children, on the other hand, are obsessed with the myth that clothes make them who they are. They are convinced they must costume themselves in Levi, Gitano, Dockers, Old Navy, Gap, Claiborne, Club Monaco, L.L. Bean, Tommy Hilfiger or other brand names. Generic brands are the kiss of death! Friends are chosen according to their outfits rather than their qualities. Young people have been physically beaten by other youth for the clothes or shoes they were wearing, and some have even been killed.
Admittedly, dressing nicely does make a person feel better about himself. But somewhere along the way, we’ve crossed over the line of rationality about clothes. What we put on our bodies today seems to say more about us than our character and personality. Clothes should not define us. Our attitude, good judgment, kindness, loyalty and other commendable character traits should be the reason another person chooses our company and friendship. I hope that is how someone would choose me as a friend.
Memories Made
I remember when my children were young a time when my husband asked, “How about packing up the tent and go camping?”
“Not a chance!” I responded recalling the aches and pains from the last such adventure. “I’ll stick with our very modern RV, thank you very much.”
The kids tried to change my mind with, “Ah, come on Mom. It was fun,” and then a memory of their own! “Yeah! Remember the time we all danced around the campfire? We looked so dorky,” said our oldest daughter, laughing.
“I remember that,” commented another of the girls. “You’re right, we did look dorky. But that was so cool. How about that hail storm in mid-afternoon or that thunderstorm early in the morning in the Badlands? And that double rainbow was awesome,” she continued.
“I remember that ice cold water in that stream where we went swimming. Where were we anyway?” asked one of my boys.
As the exchange continued between the children, I was amazed at all they recalled compared to my own memories. Oh sure, I remember all the funny things they did and the awesome things that happened, too. But for some reason I remember, more readily, the planning, loading, unloading, losing and then finding all the items necessary for those camping trips.
With five children, it seemed a chore just to get through breakfast. My husband usually got the camp cook stove out and had the bacon going by the time I had the two-year-old up and dressed. The oldest, at thirteen, was wonderful helping fold sleeping bags, while the nine-year-old helped set the picnic table. My seven and five-year-old seemed quite content exploring and entertaining themselves while I finished unloading all the particulars of the tent and putting clothes away. It wasn’t long before we were all sitting down to eat.
Then there was clean up. Again a routine followed. Retrieving the dish water that had been heating on the stove while we were eating the breakfast feast, I began the cleanup. My oldest, this time, helped her Dad and younger brother take down the tent while the second oldest helped with the dishes and the youngest daughter entertained the baby.
Before long we were all back in our van traveling to places yet to be discovered. It really was a grand time of adventure and learning. Each day brought new and different experiences.
The hail storm that blew in one hot afternoon caught everyone by surprise. It left four inches of ice pellets around our tent. The storm lasted so long and winds blew so fierce my husband wrapped the two little ones in sleeping bags for protection and carried them from the wind blown tent to the van where they would be safer. He returned for the next two. My oldest and I made a mad dash behind him to take cover, as well. The storm finally ended and then everything was wet. A heavy fog followed and nothing was completely dry to sleep on that night. But what a tale to tell!
The storm in the Badlands also blew in fierce and quick. I was the first to waken about 6 A.M. In ten minutes our family had both our tents down with everyone and everything in the van just before the heavens opened. But oh my! An incredible sight was suddenly before us. Against the dark black sky, a double rainbow graced the heavens.
There were bears that crossed right in front of our vehicle on a mountain road, a skunk that visited our campsite, a doe that wanted my bacon greased napkin, a snake that nearly scared me out of my wits and people we met, who we now call our friends.
We've been blessed. This was a special time in our life; when the children were young and we couldn’t afford a luxury RV, but used a tent and sleeping bags. That was the best of the best with my family. We've shared other experiences and adventures but mostly we shared love; a love that is sure and solid; a love that is family.
I challenge you to recall your family memories….or make new ones! These memories are sometimes what keep us going when things grow dark and gloomy!
Be Yourself
Children have wonderful imaginations! My grandchildren love to play “dress up.” It isn’t uncommon to see them in a “princess dress” or the little guy in cowboy boots and western hat. When playing in their “kitchen” one is the mom while another is a shopper. Sometimes one is a school teacher while the boys are fireman or a police officer. They dream of the time when they will be something other than “just a kid!” It’s in role playing we often discover what we really enjoy!
As we get older, we still put out “feelers” attempting to discover who we really are. As teenagers, it seems we go through a period of feeling totally inadequate, unable to come close to what we think we’d like to do or be “when we grow up!” This kind of feeling can affect the way we look at life and the way we perceive others look at us.
Girls are certain they aren’t the right size, have the right color hair, white enough teeth or the right clothes. There is this innate desire to “fit in” and sometimes it can cost us our true ambitions because we become fearful of rejection. Even as grown adults, in middle age, there are times when we are overwhelmed with the desire to “become someone else,” or at least, “do something different!” We just aren’t happy with who we are!
Our world has been filled with people who didn’t seem to fit in! Albert Einstein had a brilliant mind. He developed the theory of general relativity and had an incredible effect in the revolution in physics. 1 Yet this genius was not considered beautiful-or handsome! Marty Feldman was an English writer and comedian and because of a thyroid condition considered himself considerably unattractive. An Irish Musician, Shane MacGowan, found himself also in the category as Einstein and Feldman due to an eye operation that went wrong; yet he too, had an amazing gift.2 He is considered one of the most important Irish songwriters in recent years.
How we look or think we look is not relevant to who we really are. Sometimes, like the caterpillar we have to begin less than beautiful to become the beautiful person we were meant to be.
I challenge you, regardless of your age, to reflect on your outward appearance only for a moment. Then concentrate on what makes you special. Each of us is given a gift or talent to be used while we journey this Earth. What gift have you been given? You may be musical, scientific, mathematical, or strong in English, enabling you to possibly someday write for publication, be a teacher or Language expert. The list is endless. You may be a gifted quilter or cook. Even if you are just beginning, search where your interests are, then plunge forward.
You will discover while you learn and develop your skill and ultimately share your talent or gift with others, there is a double gift! You become both the “giver” and the recipient since you will reap unspeakable joy and satisfaction from your efforts! And those receiving a measure of your gift are also being blessed! It’s a win-win deal!
#talents #imagination #rejection
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Our Changing World
Photo Credit:
Spring is possibly my favorite season, at least during the season! (I honestly enjoy them all!) But there is something energizing and rejuvenating about being able to open my window and hear the sound of a chirping robin, the distinct sound of an oriole, the chatter of chickadees, or the mournful sound of mourning doves, a catbird or even the mocking bird and these are only a few!
So the enthusiastic comment made by a friend recently, completely resonated with me! “I just heard my first whippoorwill of the season just a few minutes ago! I LOVE that sound! We don’t hear them very much anymore,” she continued, “but I remember as a little girl when people didn’t have to worry about leaving windows up, with only a screen between you and the outside, after going to bed just resting quietly and listening as the whippoorwill’s sing! What an awesome sound. I miss those days,” she lamented.
Many seem to agree this is a sound worth hearing. Why? Is it because we can’t hear it anymore in many places? Is it comforting? What makes it so special? I can tell you, I know it makes me smile. One friend said the “lonesome sound” reminds her of her grandmother’s home. If we stop for a moment, most of us can relate to such stories. As children, we are fascinated by the birds of the air, especially when they sing their vibrant tunes or are building nests for their young ones. Another of my favorites includes the Bob White also known as Quail. There was just something magical about his sound…. He seemed to be saying his name: “Bob White!” I haven’t heard that sound is quite a long time, either.
Bernie Krause, a naturalist and musician using nature’s gift of sound, says our sounds are diminishing as the wild natural world, as we know it, continues to be depleted.1 There is very little habitat for our wild creatures which has not been somehow altered, or completely eliminated by man. It’s creating an eerie silence and if not curbed, will create a desolation we may never recover.
Maya Lin, the young woman who designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial shares Krause’s view. In an interview in June 2012, she contends the changes are so subtle we don’t even realize the damage until it’s too late. According to her article statistics indicate a 70% drop in songbirds, and this isn’t the only species of natural wildlife being affected due to human interference. The pronghorn (which look a lot like an antelope) are down in number to 250,00 to their once 65 million count!1 And the gray wolf is being treated with care so they number nearly 3800. 2 And sea turtles? They are also endangered. When explorers first entered the Caribbean, there were so many sea turtles Christopher Columbus thought he’d run aground. 3 These are not isolated cases! Honey bees and Grizzly bears are also endangered; the Red Wolf and one site even included Hummingbirds! 4
So I challenge you this week to look at your world and then stop and be silent. Listen to the sounds of the birds around you. What is happening? Do you hear the same sounds you heard fifteen or twenty years ago? What can be done about it? Consider visiting some sites with specific information on how to help endangered species. It need only start with one!
Mixed Up Priorities
A friend of mine shares the story as a computer tech, about a time when a potential customer visits his shop and wants advice. The tech gives him the information he could, without actually seeing the computer, and after discussion and no seeming solution, the tech asks the customer if he wants to bring it by so he could look at it. The customer is appalled at the thought, mortified at having to pay someone to repair it, indicating there was no way she could afford any repairs, but insists she cannot be without one. Deciding nothing could be done, she turns to leave. The computer tech compliments her nice nails. She then turns to him and thanks him for the compliment and adds she not only just had them done, but also just received a pedicure!
The example is, (at least in my opinion) an excellent indication of just how mixed up our priorities are. We’re more worried about wearing the latest fashion statement than having food on the table or medication necessary for an illness. It’s more about having an iPhone or other social media gadget than getting an education. It’s more about having the “hottest and fastest” car on the block than being able to pay off our credit card bills. It’s more about going to a sports event than spending time with our children. In a nut shell we are messed up as a nation!
There was a time when the United States pulled together even in a crisis. WW II brought people together in a number of ways. Economically the war ended the Great Depression because millions of Americans worked to create weapons. The business sector grew and flourished as the “New Deal” programs were put into effect and Americans met the challenge of what was asked of them, even to buying bonds to help finance the cost of the war. Communities worked together to save metals and rubber and other items; and planted “victory gardens” and even created and sang songs of optimism and belief in the cause.
Is our country anything like this description now? I contend it is not. If you asked your young person general political questions, could he answer? Does your teenager know the capitals of these United States? Does he know who our allies or enemies are when discussing other countries? Could he define “freedom” and what cost our freedom really is? Does he understand the threat from terrorists? I suggest our young people or even many teenagers don’t know the answers to these questions, but I wonder what of adults?
Sadly, even adults have become complacent about those things which really matter. We’ve become dependent on television for entertainment rather than spending time with our children, seldom picking up a book to read and instead watch movies; place an already prepared dinner “fresh from the supermarket” into the microwave for dinner or picked one up at the local carry out instead of preparing the meal from “scratch” from veggies we grew in the garden; haven’t the slightest idea how hammer a nail, thread a needle, change the oil in a car or a hundred other things “everybody” knew thirty or forty years ago, because it’s easier to pay someone to do it…or discard it and buy new. We “discard” so much now, some might call us a “throw away nation!”
I challenge you to consider your priorities. Are they aligned with what is good and right? Is your faith, family and country at the top of the list? What order do you place what’s really important or do you even have an order? Is it time for a change?
Do Your Own Work Well
When I walk into a book store, I get this overwhelming feeling of adventure. I’d like nothing more than to find a corner and read every single book there! Books can take me places I otherwise couldn’t go. I can learn from them and meet people with backgrounds much different than my own. I can make new friends or get angry with those who do wrong; and it doesn’t really matter since the frustration is toward someone I will never really meet or have to worry about offending! Book stores are, in a word: wonderful!
As a writer I long to see the books I’ve penned sitting proudly on the shelf. I dream of the day when I can walk into most any bookstore, unannounced and see my work displayed!
I read a piece recently about how, as writers we are inundated with immediate success stories from other authors. The question was asked if we ever feel just a twinge of jealousy when we have worked hard year after year and not seen the results someone else seems to have had overnight.
That question can be asked of many in the business world, as well as, any other profession. I know there are situations where a less qualified person gets a promotion over someone who has waited, worked, and been loyal to a business for many years, because of favoritism or a pay off or maybe even bribery. It’s hard not to be angry with something like that.
How should we deal with our emotions when we believe we’ve been treated unfairly or when someone else’s success seems so much easier than our own? Competition or comparison can be evil elements when we let them have power over our emotions and our ability to do a job well.
There are times when rejection can cause bitterness which can be debilitating. It causes us to lose sight of our own best abilities, so we only do enough to bet the job done, but not necessarily done well. Our efforts become ugly and gray as we strain to get past the knot in our stomach and pain in our hearts.
During times like these we should stop and reflect on what is important and prioritize so we can do the best we can, no matter what we are doing. We all have extraordinary abilities, even when we can’t seem to see them. Our spirit dulls under the effect of emotions, and the best of who we are gets hidden. So I contend when we reflect on our situation we need to know what it is we really want. If what we seemed to have lost through a negative experience, is what we really wanted, then perhaps we need to take another look at what we desire.
Re-evaluate your vision and work toward that goal with passion! Don’t give up on your dream because someone else doesn’t share it! Make the effort to work toward your dream even greater. Work outside your comfort zone by adjusting your attitude to totally positive, no matter what boulders seem to fall in your path. Remain close to those who do believe in you and most of all believe in yourself and your dream.
I challenge you to refocus on your goals and remember that success is defined differently by different people. As long as you are doing what makes you happy, content and productive, then let the naysayers have their day. One day you will also have yours!
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