Hugs For Health
#hugs #health #happy #family #hug your kids #relationships
Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a ‘hugger.’ It doesn’t matter if I saw you last week or last year, it’s completely normal for me to give you a hug either when I come or go. (Obviously not in the business world! Here a handshake is completely adequate.) I can’t explain it, but there is something profoundly wonderful about giving or receiving a hug.
Once when we were traveling some years ago, I met an elderly woman in the ladies room, and after a brief conversation, before leaving, spontaneously gave her a hug.
Another time there was an auto accident. I didn’t know those involved, but it was a teen-aged driver, who was thankfully unharmed, but certainly shaken. The woman who I assumed to be the mom of the teen was there, in apparent distress, looking like she could cry at any moment. Waiting for the emergency equipment to finish their work seemed to take unbearably long. On a total whim, I walked up to this woman (whom I’ve never seen again) and gave her a hug.
Does giving a spontaneous hug matter? We know hugging those we care about does. There is evidence that hugging—at least human touch, is required for survival. Some would even say we need twelve hugs a day for positive growth!
The action can make our day brighter and happier as a ‘hug’ sets off a reaction from a hormone in the pituitary gland that provides wellness attributes, that we all need, to sustain a healthy lifestyle, both emotionally and physically.
Even knowing how important hugs are to our well-being, statistics suggest up to one-third of all people are deprived of ‘touch’ and this includes children.
I remember twin babies born years ago who were separated because one of the little ones was having breathing issues. She wasn’t getting better, and a nurse decided to do something unheard of at the time and placed her little twin sister next to her in the incubator. The stronger twin managed to wrap her own tiny arm around her sibling and her twin’s heart rate immediately improved. This was a historic event in medicine! The human touch is vital to living! (Check out the YouTube story! It’ll warm your heart!)
Our children, learn new things everyday. They are sometimes afraid, have questions about their world and what is going on around them, including within the confines of their family. It’s so important to remember, as parents, that we recognize our children are as much in need of hugs as we adults are. We don’t think twice about hugging our spouse, and we need to be cognizant of the fact that our little people need those hugs just as much! It strengthens the bonds of relationships, gives comfort and encouragement and releases the hormone, oxytocin.
This idea is so important, “Cuddle Therapy” has been initiated. While research isn’t suggesting hugging (or cuddling) with a stranger—- like the hug I’ve given at least twice to perfect strangers—- cuddling an animal is also a means for beneficial touch, even though that isn’t human. While human to human touch is preferred, caressing, or cuddling with a pet can also be beneficial to relieving stress and anxiety.
Give hugs, accept hugs and hug your little ones (and teens!). Help them grow into confident, compassionate, loving, happier people, while adding to your own happiness and contentment.
#hugs #happy #FamilyRelationships #children #heal #calm #HugYourKids #CuddleTherapy #AlternativeHealth