Filling Many Baskets

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A friend of mine said recently, “I am just in awe of an artist.  I am amazed at the ability to be creative enough to express it in a painting or have the skill to put words on paper that make clear concrete thoughts others would like to read!”

I admit, I don’t consider myself an artist.  That would be my son, who is an amazing artist and accomplished photographer!  I’m “chatty” and just put on paper what I’m thinking.  From my perspective, no particular, artistic skill.

That said, like other writers, I would love to be able to earn enough from my writing to live on! Alas, I am no Danielle Steel or C.S. Lewis!  As I thought about this, I discovered my particular occupation requires creativity in another area.  I need to creatively enhance my income through other arenas.  

I need not, and should not rely solely on monies I could make from writing “the great American novel” or even magazine articles.  I must look elsewhere to enrich funds being brought in. I can’t put all my “eggs in one basket!”  This may mean blogging and getting paid for it. (I blog, but it’s for free!) There are speaking engagements, writing advertisements, tutoring, writing greeting cards and more!  But it’s pulling all these together that make it work.

Life’s a bit like that.  We are a lot of things to a lot of people.  We sometimes have to be creative to make situations work or even relationships!  Everyone knows creativity with a child is always a good thing!  It doesn’t mean we are experts in any one area.  It means we use the varied gifts we are given to communicate with different people.  This is what brings us happiness.

With a co-worker it might require listening while they rant over some infraction from someone else or giving encouragement when there is an illness in the family or when there are other problems.  To a homeless person, it might be buying a burger for their lunch.  To aging parents, it might be taking them to the doctor because they are afraid of being alone to hear bad news.  To a child it could be giving a hug and saying I love you!  To our spouse it could be preparing a special surprise “date dinner!”

It’s also a truism for activities in our life.  It’s rare to say there is only one thing in our life which brings us joy.  We often have more than one (even several) hobbies and interests.  It’s when all these are tied together we find the most satisfaction.  I like to quilt and read, while my husband likes chess and NASCAR racing! 

Life isn’t about being or doing one thing.  It’s about sharing the gifts we have, no matter how inconsequential they might seem to us, and not putting all our “eggs in one basket!”  So I challenge you this week to consider what you have to offer.  Begin by making time to reflect on your passions! Branch out! 

Try something completely new! What have you always wanted to do but never tried because you didn’t have the time, weren’t old enough, or just afraid to!?  Start of journey of discovery!  Become the person you are designed to be!  Pull together all your different abilities to make the most of who you are and enrich your life! Become an artist in whatever talent you discover.  It’s about enjoying the process…..  and the final product!

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