Finding My Destiny

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My friend was sharing things about her high school years when she said, “When I started doing other student’s Chemistry homework in 10th grade, I knew I had found my calling.  My instructor helped me figure out that I was destined to be a Chemist!”  She is now a practicing Scientist who loves her work, feeling productive, while enjoying the process!

People for years have desired to know their purpose in life, asking “Why am I here?”  What am I supposed to do?”  They go through years searching for their “destiny” as they bob from job to job, or even not working or doing anything constructive as they search their minds for answers.  Some people will use astrology, psychics, numerology and other means in their search while others, like myself believe God has a plan for our lives and ultimately it is where life will take us, when we stop to recognize it.

When I was a little girl, my mother always said I was going to be a preacher, although she didn’t really believe this, since women preachers were unheard of at the time.  And, I don’t believe I ever thought preaching would be my destiny. In fact, I don’t recall even giving it a consideration.  As I moved through elementary school, I recall thinking about writing, but apparently, other than one other friend, no one shared my view!  In high school I decided I would teach.  Then I shifted my focus to business classes since I was sure college would not be an option, given our family’s financial situation.  As it turned out, I married and none of the options seemed likely!

As my children grew, I found myself in the classroom as substitute, and an Instructional Assistant. In my mid-thirties I turned back to writing.  I loved it!  I found what I wanted to do!  But, like any “art” it takes more than just desire to be successful.  I still had five children and a husband to care for and time just wasn’t free for sitting down to hone my craft.  But I wrote, and sent out manuscripts but very little was published.  Still, the desire was there, so despite the lack of publication, I continued to write!  Finally, just before reaching age fifty, I made it to college, and of all things majored in Early Elementary Education, even though I never expected to have my own classroom!

My point of sharing all this is, we are each called to do something.  Destiny is defined as events that happen through a hidden power to control a person’s future.  As I look back on the events from my life, I see my mother was on the right track (no, I am not a preacher, but I do have a strong faith I choose to share), I enjoy teaching, and my passion is writing!  My combined teaching skills, business education, along with my writing ability, and faith all come together to be an inspirational writer, with the goal of making a difference in the lives of those who read my work!

Once a person can identify their true passion, that thing (or things) in life that really bring them joy; it can be refined and narrowed down so the work becomes their destiny!  I challenge you to look back on your life and see what it is that especially makes your dreams come true.  When you can do this, what do you see?  Can you see destiny?

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Filling Many Baskets


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