The Treasure of Children

“Can we go to the fireworks, Mom?  Please?” ask the children.

“Possibly, even probably!  We’ll see how the afternoon goes,” she answers, giggling at their excitement.

Later that evening, as the sun finally sets, the anxious little ones wait to see the colors burst in the air, even knowing they would be covering their ears to deaden some of the noise.  At long last, the first explosion occurs, bright reds and blues, yellow and orange.  In just moments later, another light burst explodes.  Ohhs and wows can be heard, while children point in excitement; their eyes never leaving the night sky.

Our children are priceless! They are precious jewels and each is as unique as a snowflake! They brighten our lives much like the fireworks brighten the night sky. Their exploits can come in all colors, as we try to corral their energies into something productive and educational.

From the time they are born our hearts are captured by their tiny fingers and toes, sparkling eyes and loving smiles.  We glory in their uninhibited hugs and expressions of love.

There is something rewarding, for both the giver and recipient, of pictures drawn with love, despite the awkward shapes of their best efforts.  We revel in their achievements, regardless how small, as we see them focusing on what is before them and giving it all they’ve got.

Sometimes our children are born with special needs or disabilities and these children are special and no less important than those children who seem to have no problems.  In fact, these children often can teach us how to truly appreciate and enjoy life.

Children, regardless of their balking, actually do appreciate boundaries.  I remember a show many years ago, where a girl began crossing the set boundaries of the family.  The father was advised to let her have her freedom and ignore the set rules.  One night as she was out, she was in a situation she didn’t like.  Ultimately she made her way home without incident, but when the father found out about it, asked her, “Why didn’t you call me?”

Her response: “I didn’t think you cared.”  This show has stuck with me for a very long time.  Just as discipline is a form of showing love, so is setting boundaries.  It’s important for children to know they can count on us to be consistent in our love for them.

Our lives may not always be filled with perfect peace when it comes to our children, but they are priceless gems, nonetheless, that cannot be replaced.  They offer us unparalleled joy, that if snatched away through an accident or early death or even an act of rebellion that cannot be restored, is devastating to the core of our souls.  Their innocence, inquisitiveness, passion for life, and delightful expressions of love, leave us feeling confused some days, filled with exquisite joy on others, but always with a matchless feeling of love that runs to overflowing in our hearts.

I encourage you to reflect on the relationship you have with your children, and if you don’t have any, the children of others with whom you have contact.  Can you relate to their zest for all that is new?  Do you see the explosion of life through their eyes, like you might see the exploding fireworks in the night sky?

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Leaving A Legacy


Tangled Mind