Books Are Like Old Friends

My son said once, “Everyone should have a good library.”  I’ve always agreed with this concept and love collecting books.  I have a variety of pleasure reading books, many classics, educational (I told my kids when they were in college, I didn’t want them to sell back their books!  I wanted to study!) writing books, encyclopedias, inspirational, and those I consider my favorites I read again and again.

Our family recently did some “room switching” and I found myself unloading all the books from the bookshelves in my den, to move them to another room.  I was astounded first, at the amount of books I own, and second, how quickly weight gets beyond my lifting, in boxes filled with books.

But as I placed my books on the shelves, each one had a peculiar way of drawing me into their company!  They are like my forever friends who are warm and comfortable no matter how long between visits.  My books are happy when I open their covers and sit down to visit a while.  They bring comfort, adventure, education, inspiration and a sense of companionship.

I admit I don’t read nearly as much as I’d like… least in the sense of opening a book and sitting for any significant time span.  I read in fits and spurts, much like I write.  Much of what I read is either research or ‘how-to!”  Sometimes, however, I just need to remove myself from the daily grind, and busy schedule and allow myself to journey into another place, while joining the heart of the protagonist in a story.

Books are a place of adventure without ever leaving my room.  To ride a train, or hot air balloon, experience a town in the Old West before it became “civilized” is invigorating and stimulating, when my own nature is afraid.  It’s even safe to say, after reading through a new adventure, it often raises the interest so that I contemplate experiencing something different, in spite of my fear.

Even as a little girl, I remember my favorite stories being about the pioneers and settling in an unknown land.  When I imagine what it might have been like to cross the country in a covered wagon facing all the dangers from the elements, crossing rivers, foraging for food and yet keeping my sanity, it frightens me to the core, while at the same time exhilarates me!  It is in books like these I can find encouragement and inspiration to face my fears, even if it has nothing to do with the actual content of the book.

When reading a ‘how-to’ book I am grateful for the knowledge and help someone else was willing to put in print that I might learn and here again, face my fears. Learning should be a lifetime journey and books are also, an invaluable source for learning.  They are non-judgmental when I fail, and allow me to pick them up and read them again.

Books are always ready to reveal their wealth and allow my mind to wander where it will, with the descriptions between their covers.  It’s up to me to choose to invite them into my world, just like I invite any human friend to share time with me.

That said, I’d like to share with you…..  If you don’t already know, I write disability books for children —-and chapter books with a disability theme, which is not only for the child with disabilities, but for those who want an adventure from a different perspective!

I encourage you, to choose to read a book!  Find an old friend, or make a new one, and visit a while; be exhilarated, inspired or educated.


It’s Okay To Be Different


Leaving A Legacy