Summer Wind Down

Here we are, nearly in mid-September and still trying to hold on to summer.  Our days spent lounging on the sofa, or the big swing on the porch with a book is all too quickly coming to an end.  Most of us hate to see it go, even though in many places across the States, it’s been a year of unusual weather!  From drenching rains —and hurricanes, to dry and hot, it seems most of us have had something we’ve ‘murmured’ about!

How does a person wind down the summer?  Most of our kids are back in school, in whatever shape that takes.  It might be public school, or a virtual one or even homeschooling.  In any event, changes are taking place as everyone acclimates to the alarm early (or at least earlier) than we’ve climbed out of bed during the summer break.

Still this time of year is when we begin to forge pathways our brains sometimes fight against, while others soak it up like a sponge!  As children learn in the classroom, we adults try to be more productive in the workplace or on the homestead or in ‘work places’ that are in our home!  This comes in many forms and sometimes in the form of a homemaker, and that’s a job in itself!  Whatever we choose ‘to be or do’ the goal is to be the best we can be!

Unwind And Enjoy What’s Around You

As we move forward toward the next phase of our lives, looking for positives in every single day is helpful.  It can be as simple as taking a walk in the park, listening to ocean waves, or hiking a mountain.  These positives have the ability to tap into all five senses and make us aware of the moment!

Perhaps create a ‘memory wall’ of the summer adventures.  Display photos taken of family, friends, trips and adventures in an area where each event can be recreated and cherished.  Maybe even let the kids help with the selection of pictures to be posted and even add keepsakes garnered over the summer during adventures.  It could be a book discovered, a rock that has special meaning, a recipe for a special treat or meal or other item that brought special memories from the summer.

Reducing distractions is another way to create a positive, in our day to day lives.  Most of us gravitate to our social media accounts in the early morning.  What could your day be like if you chose to ignore all the technological devices and allures and just spend the early morning working on your ‘faith’ and making memories with your family?

Our children spend so much time in the school room—-or at least in ‘schooling’ we are limited to one on one time.  In those early morning hours while kids are getting ready for school, take a moment and be ‘present’ with them.  Listen while they share anxieties, or excitement over the coming day.  Remind them you are there for them.

Spouses are another place where being ‘present’ is challenging because of schedules.  Take a moment (even if it means rising just five minutes earlier) to share a moment with them!

As parents of children with special needs, this is especially important.  Changes can come hard and as the weather turns cooler, days are shorter, and schedules are more complicated. Wrap your arms around them and encourage them to welcome the new, while allowing them to transition gradually to all the changes.

Summer is a wonderful time of year.  But each season is a time of change which can be good, when we look for the positive, ‘be present’ and savor the moments spent with the loved ones in our lives.

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A Deliberate Fall Rest


Every Child Can Learn