Resolutions - 2024

2023 is coming to a close and 2024 is right around the corner.  Many of us take a few moments before the end of the year and come up with New Year’s resolutions that we would like to see accomplished in the upcoming year.  These resolutions are in essence a promise to ourselves that we want to keep to make our lives better, whether it’s physical, emotional, spiritual or even relational or somewhere in between.

  Resolutions can be for something as simple as getting up five minutes earlier or reading a book a month.   Or as complicated as changing jobs and moving to another part of the country, or having a plan to make $20,000 more a year in income.

Many people put exercise and diet on their resolution list.  Part of mine is educational— to strengthen my math skills and have significant spiritual growth.  Perhaps your goals fall somewhere in between.

Regardless of our goals, the hardest part seems to be staying with a goal that we’ve made for the entire year.  Life seems to get in the way, routine is changed and all of a sudden it’s been a week or even months since we worked on our goal.  Getting back on track seems all but impossible.

Staying ‘with it’ isn’t the only problem that faces a disabled person who makes resolutions  Their life is often considerably more difficult and complicated.   When considering resolutions, options must be considered that will be most effective to make their quality of life better, given any current difficulty.  This idea is relative to anyone who makes a resolution.

A disabled person, however, must look at their life through a different lens.  We all have hindrances that affect what we can and cannot do.  Any obstacles must be considered which will limit our ability to be successful.  It may be finances which inhibit our ability to complete a goal, or even an education factor.  It might be geography, or experience or some other element that is relative to our unique situation.

When making a resolution it helps to remember to include people who could also use support and encouragement, perhaps in the same physical, emotional or spiritual situation.  Finding like minded people will aid in working toward like minded goals. Additionally, these kinds of goals will enable you to make a difference in your community and often offer incentive to keep us going!

I am guilty of creating too many resolutions.  My intent is to be productive and better myself.  But in the process I overwhelm myself and therefore give up before I really get a solid start.  So this year I am only going to create four resolutions.

1. — physical (and it’s going to be to eat healthier —which will include making a menu that will enable me to do this) And hopefully find some exercise time!

2. — educational which means I will need to choose a subject of study to focus on for a specific time period before I move to another—-I think it’s going to be Math.

3. —spiritual which includes re-reading Pilgrim’s Progress and writing about each day’s reading!

4. —Another needs be in the ‘writing’ world, which will include setting time frames to finish and publish more books in the next year.

As I consider all of these elements, several absolutely cross over into the ‘community’ realm.  Even the blogs I write are part of ministry/volunteer components since I do not get paid for these, but I do these because I believe I’m called to them.

Each will need specific markers to move forward, but I have a place to start.  Every person can decide to make a difference, regardless of abilities or lack of some.  It takes determination, strong desire and focus.

Will you decide to make changes in your life during 2024 which will also impact those around you?  Share your goals!  It helps ignite the energy!

#2024 #resolutions #settingGoals #GetHealthier #WorkInTheCommunity #volunteer #SetMarkers #disability #ability

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