Memorable Moments

Friendships.  We all want them, and while they’re not a hundred percent correct necessarily, we all have them.  The depth of these friendships vary from relationship to relationship and sometimes from day to day.  There are lots of reasons for friendships to have ups and downs and each person has their own difficulties. 

Often however, it has to do with how we feel physically on a certain day. Perhaps circumstances have us off kilter, sometimes we are overwhelmed and just have no clue how to respond.

Having A Dark Day

I received a phone call from a friend last week and as soon as she spoke I knew something was wrong.  There was intense darkness in her voice. She was having a bad day.  On this day, however, after everything else at work for the past several days had been a trial, she discovered her computer crashed.

This is relevant because she is responsible for the finances of a small business.  And to her horror, she realized because of the activity level she’d been facing over the last three weeks, she had not backed up her computer.  Thankfully she had printed copies of invoices to help navigate, but it still left her in quite the spot.

After chatting a few moments and reassuring my friend she could create a new spreadsheet, even though it was going to take some long tedious hours to do, she could it.  In the meantime, she was going to need to purchase another computer.   This event will be a memorable moment for both of us for a long time!

Other times friendships are affected by a disability.  What anyone wants is a sincere friend that doesn’t fault them when they are having a bad day.  Just as I had to recognize my friend was having a bad day because of work, we sometimes must recognize that anyone who has a disability is on a journey.  This journey may create situations where they remember the circumstance that caused their disability, but they don’t necessarily want you to remind them.

Milestones of Progress

A better option might to be remember a milestone of progress! It’s important to listen to what your friend shares.  They may be excited because of a new medicine they are taking that is finally helping the migraines or other problem.  They may, after cancer treatments be worn out, and finally reach a point where they feel ‘decent’ again.  Or after fighting an insurance company, they finally get the medical equipment they’ve been needing.

Celebrate the small (or big) things! Offer encouragement, even if in a text, as they make doctor visits, have procedures, or even if they are having a bad day!   As information is shared, make a mental note; and if you can, send a note, a text, make a call or visit as able, to celebrate the victories!  These are memorable, meaningful moments that can make a world of difference.  It’s about feeling included, thought of, special, a part of something bigger than ourselves, and cherished as a friend.

We all want friendships that have value, which are sincere and can last a lifetime.  It takes effort.  Anything of value does.

#Friendship #Encouragement #CelebrateMilestones #CelebrateTheSmallThings #MemorableMoments #FriendshipsThatLast #DarkDays #HavingABadDay #EveryoneHasDifficulties #CherishedFriends #FeelingIncluded #FeelingWanted #Loved

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