Hobbies For Stress-And Christmas

One of my favorite things to do is quilt.  I’ve made many; one for each of my grandchildren as newborns, and another larger one when they turned three; and before that it was graduation quilts for each of my five children, and more as gifts!  It’s a hobby.  I do it for the pure joy of the process and to see the completed project.  I find when I am stressed, quilting can calm my nerves and put my entire being at ease.  I can ‘breathe’ again!

Hobbies are like that and quilting is just the tip of the iceberg for ideas.  While many men (and women!) like to fish, my husband likes to create stunning fishing poles decorated with beads and quilting thread.  He can create insignias, or personal, distinct patterns however he desires.

One of my sons is all about creating three dimensional people, animals and other objects, and then painting them.  He’s created entire cities or palace kingdoms from long past and they are exquisite!  One of my daughters enjoys cross stitch and she too creates amazing town houses for Christmas so it becomes an entire village.

Another of my sons is all about gardening.  He loves it and has become a ‘master- gardener’!  He can grow almost anything and can answer questions for friends and family about almost any variety of vegetable.

Those ‘in the know’ will tell you hobbies are not only good for stress relief, but also build vital skills for those with disabilities in every area; socially, emotionally and in some cases even physically.  Hobbies can improve life skills and encourage independence, not only for the disabled but across the board.

Biking is a hobby which builds balance and offers a sense of freedom since it can be be a mode of transportation.  Reading and being part of a book club is a way to exercise the brain, and can help with working through emotions they may or may not have experienced before, while relieving stress, since it can transport us to another place.

Art is another hobby which is great for anyone because it’s a wonderful way to express feelings and helps strengthen focus.   Even sports are again great stress relievers, teaching teamwork and community, sportsmanship, enhances physical fitness and even has an element of commitment.

Other hobbies could be photography, music, birdwatching, archery, putting puzzles together, scrapbooking, or even having a collection of a particular item.  Someone might enjoy painting by number or creating craft work or whittling.  The list is endless.  It is totally dependent on what a person is interested in.  And the fun thing is, what can start out as a hobby in one area has the potential to lead you into another.

Christmas is right around the corner.  Creating gifts all year through is a wonderful way of having a hobby that gives all year!  Card making is an option that often amazes people.  Each card is a work of art designed almost as a gift!

Another great ‘Christmas hobby’ might be singing!  Christmas songs are unique and have a special appeal.  Again what an exceptional way to use your hobby—of using your special, unique voice—as a gift at Christmas!

Cooking or baking are still other hobbies which teach life skills, relieves stress and offers the rewards of the finished edible ‘creation’.  These hobbies too, have amazing Christmas appeal while giving you the opportunity to learn and grow while being ‘in your happy place’!

Whatever  a person discovers he enjoys doing, can in some cases become a hobby if he chooses to follow through with it.  The choice is entirely his and can create a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that can only be filled when a project has been completed.

It’s a great way to learn about yourself, other people and even other places, times, civilizations, and different ways to do things.  The action and fulfillment of having hobbies can be carried over as ‘gifts’ to others.  Additionally the relief from the day to day grind, emotionally can be thwarted, at least for a time, when being involved in a hobby a person loves.

#hobbies #HobbiesForChristmas #biking #quilting #baking #scrapbooking #fishing #gardening #CraftWork #whittling #ChristmasIdeas #ChristmasGifts #CardMaking #Art #HobbiesAndCommunity #HobbiesToReduceStress #InMyHappyPlace

Photo Credit: https://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/christmas-cards-diy.html

Photo Credit: https://www.google.com/search?q=free+pics+of+home+made+baked+goods&client=safari&sca_esv


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