Taking Stock

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            We’ve reached the end of another year, and perhaps a good time to take stock of what we’ve done, and what is important.   It’s been a tough year, but not all bad.  I’ve had another grandbaby born, we’ve traveled and I’ve written a lot, and have promising new projects for next year. 

            I’m older and I hope a tiny bit wiser.  They say that comes with age.  I don’t know.  Sometimes I think it comes with circumstances as opposed to age, although age certainly would be the better of the two.  Being wise from circumstances sounds a bit ominous and age, well….  It just is.  You can’t do anything about that.  Of course, sometimes you can’t do anything about circumstances either!

            I am grateful for my family who for the most part, are healthy and happy.  We are not unlike any other family with health issues in every single one of my children’s lives (and/or family members), as well as, my husband’s.  Yet, how we deal with those issues is what determines “healthy.”  The same holds true for “happy.”  I like to think myself a “happy” person and most of the time I do have a positive attitude.  But attitude has a lot to do with happy.  A person can be very wealthy, having all the things money can buy and be superficially happy, but down deep, in their hearts they long for something more, something different and aren’t really happy at all.

            I am also extremely grateful for friends who have supported me and been close by when I’ve needed them throughout the year.  Every person needs someone…..and sometimes that someone comes in the form of a really good friend.  You are doubly blessed when your spouse is your best friend.  But as a woman, I enjoy the company of other women who share my faith and are willing to give of themselves when only a woman’s perspective will do!

            My writing has continued to be an incredible journey.  I write two independent blogs, made lots of “writing friends” and had strangers contact me during the year to let me know I’m making a difference.  That’s the ultimate success, in my opinion.  It’s not about money, fame and fortune.  It’s about making a difference in someone’s life, whether it’s for encouragement, a listening ear, advice (although I prefer to give this sparingly!), or just showing kindness. 

People need those willing to attempt a positive difference. We’ve become an anti-Christian culture, with materialism becoming more and more important.  Families are fighting for their lives as divorce ravages couples and financial pressures threatens to further deteriorate the family framework, not to mention the COVID pandemic that has upended everyone’s lives!  We are daily bombarded with negative media influences, creating chasms in communication and our national economic and political arena leaves us wondering what the next shock wave will be or when the next blow will hit.

            Where do you find yourself at the end of this year?  Do you, like me, stop to consider your accomplishments, successes or even failures?  How do you feel toward your family, friends and even co-workers?  Are you making a difference and projecting a positive influence in other’s lives—even if it has to be virtual?  It’s good to do that sometimes, just to bring things into perspective; and personally I think it’s hard to make new goals if you aren’t sure where you’ve been.

            I challenge you, as 2020 draws to a close—with all the negatives that have happened nationwide—COVID, hurricanes and tornadoes and other weather related events, rioting and political disagreements, financial turmoil and more----, to consider what is really important in your life.  What do you really want to accomplish and why?  Are relationships with family and friends at the top of your list (even if a mask is necessary)?  Where on the list does faith fall?  Contemplate …and then create positive goals for a brand new year.  

Welcome 2021.

Photo Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/602989837593512434/


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