‘Paxton and Friends’— where all levels of abilities blend.
Latest Blogs:
WELCOME to my web site! We have lots of pages to visit, including my About Page which will tell you about my journey into the writing world of disabilities. We also have a Freebies Page and “Read Aloud” which are videos of me reading the stories I have written, some of my favorite things, my store and more!!
On this page, you will see posts (as much as possible!) about news, events and just relevant or fun stuff!
December 2, 2024
I apologize to everyone who has visited my website in the last month. I lost my husband of 51 years on November 12, after a visit to the emergency room on November 3 and brief hospital stay. It’s been a monumental task just getting through the day and writing has been non-existent.
I will get back to writing again soon, but for the moment I’m still trying to catch my breath and control my emotions. It’s been a really tough month. 😢
Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!
So VERY true!
I totally agree with this!
Love it! ❤️
Their Strength Is Inspiring!
Yes! Just Yes!
No more words needed!
I get this!
Are there days when you feel lost and alone?
There’s comfort in knowing there is someone in our corner—-who has a plan!
This is my BRAND NEW book! It just came out! Book 3 of the "Invitation Series" for Middle Schoolers--- A New Student Council —-Visit my store (The Books tab above) or visit Amazon!
The new Student Council has many projects they want to accomplish over the coming school year. As the team works together, to work out the particulars; the Starlighters, the elite girl group of the school, use every opportunity to thwart their plans. As challenges come, how will it affect friendships, the work necessary to make the events fruitful, and even the self esteem of the participants surrounding them?
http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2024/01/celebrate-epiphany.html What will change in your life over this next year?
From one of my all time favorite authors!
Have a great day, everyone!
Merry Christmas!
May all your dreams come true—even as your remember the reason for the season: The Messiah, The Savior Of The World!❤️
December 18, 2023
From my HeartSong blog:
http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/.../a-meaningful-life... Have you discovered your purpose in life?
December 16.2023
The boy seated next to the friends on the bleachers seems to act so strange. What could make him behave so oddly? The friends learn Micah Mink doesn't mean to act different. He is autistic. Join the friends as they learn about autism when Whitney Wolf shares a story about her life none of the friends knew.
December 9, 2023
Book Spotlight of the WeeK: Mixed Up Words--our feature on Dyslexia.
Snow knew it would happen. He'd be asked to read aloud in school, and he was right. He hated reading. It never made sense and he was sure he was just plain stupid. How would Snow handle the situation and what would he learn as a result?
December 4, 2023
From my HeartSong Blog
http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2023/12/singing-about-greatest-gift-of-all.html How do you feel about Christmas music?
November 21, 2023
Thanksgiving is almost here and Christmas isn't far behind. I thought this post might help with gift giving ideas!
November 20, 2023 May you be blessed this Thanksgiving!
What are some of your Thanksgiving memories?
November 9, 2023
Exceptional Parent
Words carry weight. Choose kindness! Depression is a real battle, and understanding starts with empathy. Read more about depression and ways to cope with it in our November 2023 issue (pg.44) at www.epmagazine.com Follow us on Instagram @epmzine https://www.instagram.com/epmzine/?hl=en
#ChooseKindness #MentalHealthMatters #ptsdsupport #epmzine #depression #depressionisreal #ptsdhealing #combatdepression
August 23, 23
I received the nicest email yesterday! I contacted a school district about my disability books and this is how one person responded: I was overwhelmed with gratefulness!
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful resource. Strong and positive representation of disability is so often missing in all strands of media our children are accessing and often represented as an “inspiration” or charity situation. As an educator and parent this is so wonderful to see.
July 31, 2023
From my HeartSong Blog
It's about staying focused on the prize. We have to keep running the race while staying in God's will.
July 24, 2023
From my HeartSong Blog:
Do you believe there are angels among us?
July 18, 2023
From my HeartSong Blog:
Where are your loyalties? How much time do you spend with God on a daily basis?
July 16, 2023
Did you know that it’s believed ‘you are the sum total of the four people with whom you spend the most of your time’? This made me think! Can you relate? Reflect on those with whom you associate. Who are the top four? Are they influencing you positively—or not so much?
May 20, 2023
Some weeks ago I posted a blog called “The Defiant Child”. margieharding.com/blog/the-defiant-child
I had a law firm from Orlando, Florida contact me after reading my post and ask if I’d post a link to a resource their organization has put together. Honestly I hadn’t thought about the legal perspective regarding this situation, but as a ‘defiant child’ grows, I can see where it may present its own set of problems.
Mr. Fields wrote: “We have put together an extensive guide to help family members or friends in case a loved one is arrested, which is important to know if they are unfamiliar with the process. The guide includes information about the steps to take after the arrest, what to be aware of if your loved one has mental health issues or disabilities, if they are a minor, and much more. Check it out:
If Family or Friend is Arrested - omaralawgroup.com/what-to-know-if-family-friend-arrested/
221 NE Ivanhoe Blvd. Suite 200 Orlando, FL, 32804
I have checked out the link and am adding it to my page because there are times when this kind of information may be needed.
May 19, 2023
Ever feel so tired your brain shuts down? I have that issue on some days. I found this article helpful!
What do you do to stay inspired or creative?
January 30
How do you work through the circumstances over which you have no control?
January 24, 2023
Thank you Brentwood Union Free School District, Brentwood NY
for purchasing sets of the Paxton Series to place in your
Elementary Schools!
I am grateful! ❤️
December 19, 2022
What do you wish for this Christmas?
Saturday, December 3, 2022
Today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities!
Who would have thought this would be a 'day' in December??? I assimilate it to summer! How Fun!
Have a great day everyone!
Worth taking a look!
November 15, 2022
It amazes me that Thanksgiving is almost upon us. One of the greatest gifts of this holiday is the thankful hearts we all share as we gather to share a meal with family and friends. It gives us a sense of ‘belonging’. I can’t help but think of those who feel separated by a disability which sets them apart simply because they are different and in the truest sense, don’t feel like they belong.
Belonging is a human need which applies to every person who has breath. When we belong, we feel ‘good’ with where we are and with those we are with. When we aren’t with the people with which we belong, we are missed and miss them. We each offer pieces of ourselves which meld together to create a special relationship. We feel like we are contributing something and accept the gifts others share of themselves, as well; so exchanging our offerings.
Perhaps this next week, as you prepare for Thanksgiving, you could open your heart to a person who doesn’t feel like they belong to anyone or to any place. You will make memories as the warmth of your giving, warms the heart of another and helps make them feel as if they belong, even if only for a short time.
November 7
From my HeartSong Blog:
What do you do when you are afraid?
November 3, 2022
Good Afternoon!
I'm excited!
The Delaware Governor's Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens included my information in their October Newsletter on the very first page (at the bottom)! How cool is that???
https://dnr.maz.tv/apps/3661/146035/178544/191649 Click on the link to visit the Disability TV Network to view eight of my read aloud videos!
October 17, 2022
Heartsong: Prayers Over Judgement:
How do we respond to wickedness around us?
I was reading this afternoon.... and this was my takeaway.
Breaking down barriers can be hard. We run away from those things that go against the grain; those things that have always been.
We all have things we can and can not do. That does not make us disabled. Just this morning my husband bought lumber. As we were headed for the truck, an employee from the lumber yard walked up and asked if he could help load the material into our vehicle. I was grateful.
I am not disabled. But I am small and lumber, from my 102 pound weight, is heavy. He helped load and saved me the strain. And, what’s more, he seemed pleased to be able to do it.
Yet, a disabled person is viewed as incapable but often ‘with a different attitude’ than the man who helped us this morning because of my size. He was being kind and seemed pleased to help. Often when the disabled are being helped it’s an obligation and sometimes even a judgmental —or— critical one.
Heartsong: Embrace The Challenge https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2022/08/embrace-challenge.html?spref=tw
What is your greatest desire?
June 8, 2022
THANK YOU Dorchester County Maryland School District for sharing my Paxton Series with your students!
Heartsong: Urging Of the Spirit https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2022/07/urging-of-spirit.html?spref=tw
'God winks' --when things happen we can't explain? Have YOU ever been part of one.
A SNEAK PEEK from Chapter 4 in “By Invitation Only” called “The Camping Trip”
“Well, yeah. That, too. Forget this whole Starlighter business. You don’t have to join that club.”
“Oh, y-yes I do,” she blurted, eyes wide. “I have to p- prove to myself and every-b-body else I know, that I am s- somebody! And as s-soon as I’m f-finished eating this st-stuff that’s supposed to be l-lunch, I’m g-going over to their t-table to make sure everything is set for t-tonight.”
A gray cloud seemed to loom over the lunch table. Marlena stared at her plate and Emily just picked at her food. Terri could think of no way to ease the tension. Teresa, the quietest of the group, was even more reserved than usual. The clinking of forks and knives and endless chatter reverberated all around them. Instead of friendly chatter, there was only heavy silence.
No one spoke, but watched as Marlena left the table. “H-Hi ev-everyone,” she said, pasting her best smile on her face, so the Starlighters wouldn’t detect her nervousness. “J- J-ust checking to m-make sure we’re all set for t-tonight.”
“Where’s Emily?” asked Gail.
“She’s f-finishing l-lunch. She’ll be h-here in a little b- bit.”
“I think we’re all ready for tonight,” continued Gail, flicking her fingernails in annoyance. “Judy has the tent we’ll be sleeping in and we all have sleeping bags and flashlights. Oh, and I meant to ask,” she said, stroking her long, wavy, red hair. “We will be able to use our curling irons for our hair in the morning. Right?”
“Uh, well, th-there’s electric in the l-ladies room, I guess. I d-don’t usually worry t-too much about my hair when we c- camp.”
“Well, you don’t expect me to look dippy all weekend, do you?” asked Gail incredulously. “I have to do my hair.”
“O-Okay. B-Bring ‘em. L-Like I said you can use the elec-t-tric in the ladies r-room.”
“Here comes Emily,” said Judy. “Hi,” said Emily quietly.
“You okay?” asked Carolyn, softly.
“I’m fine,” she lied. “And there’s the bell,” she added, relief in her voice.
“R-Remember. M-My house, 5:30. See you t-tonight. And don’t f-forget your c-cameras,” Marlena said, above the increasing roar of voices and chairs being pushed under the tables.
“Okay,” she heard, not sure which one had answered.
“I hope all this turns out like you plan,” commented Emily, as they walked toward class.
“I-It’ll be f-fine,” said Marlena, her stomach in knots. This seems harder than it should. Why do I feel like this? She wondered. I’m scared to death. They’re just girls, like me. No, not like me, she thought angrily. They’re rich, and beautiful; and I’m poor, not even pretty and I have Down’s. Who am I kidding? I have a right to be scared to death!
SNEAK PEEK from Chapter 3 in "By Invitation Only," called "Initiation". I hope you like it!
Marlena looked at the arrangement of flowers in her possession. Mrs. Johnson’s idea of something small and her color combinations sure are different from mine, she thought grimly, looking at the scarlet red carnations and sun yellow pansies splashed between a generous supply of gentle pink bellflowers and pure white impatiens. The arrangement was pretty, she conceded, but feminine and delicate. Not at all masculine.
“Ohhhhh,” she groaned, louder than she intended.
“Is something wrong?” asked Mrs. Johnson.
“Uh, no. It’s b-beautiful. Perfect,” she lied. How am I ever going to give this to Adam? she wondered, near panic.
Marlena hurried out the door afraid of more questions she didn’t want to answer. She was drained of all energy, as she started down the street, feeling the perspiration drips ripple across her body, while the heat from the pavement made her feet feel like fire through her thin-soled sneakers. The sight of the ice cream parlor intensified the feelings.
Marlena turned off Postet Avenue onto Zella Street and froze in her tracks. Her legs refused to move. They were suddenly filled with lead, much too heavy to carry. Her stomach was doing Olympic sized somersaults, as she came into full view of Adam’s house.
With conscious effort, Marlena moved one foot in front of the other until she reached the large front porch. Rockers sat welcoming visitors, as well as, an outdoor porch swing. Marlena swallowed hard, trying to keep from getting sick.
Forcing herself onward, she climbed the four steps to the landing, and stood staring at the doorbell. Prying one hand from the plant, she reached for the tiny circle that would announce her arrival.
Abruptly, the door opened. Marlena jumped. Her face felt fiery red, as she stared blankly into the faces of Adam, Jay and Ricky, obviously getting ready to leave. Her mind went dead. Nearly dropping the flowers, she placed them on the porch with a hard thud and fled. She could feel the eyes bore into her back as she raced down the street, her own spilling over in tears.
Marlena slammed the door to her room and collapsed against it. “W-Why’d they m-make me d-do that?” she sobbed loudly. “W-Why? That w-was h-humiliat-ting!”
I am so delighted to share that Disability Network TV has my videos up for sharing! Currently, five are available, but as weeks pass all my disability books will be there! For those who have fb and can see my videos, I hope you'll share the link with those you know who don't have fb! Thanks so much!
Here's a sneak peek at the 3rd book in the "Invitation Series" from Chapter 1.... The first book was "By Invitation Only", the second was "Crossings". (I haven't yet decided on a title for the third!) -- They are middle schoolers.... The 'Starlighters' are 'mean girls' and there's a back drop of disabilities in each book. The first one has Marlena with Down Syndrome, the second has Emily with Dyslexia and the third has a mix ---and definitely part of the story. Gabe one of the main characters has a cousin in a wheelchair, and this becomes very significant as the story unfolds. Carolyn is the newly elected Pres. of their class....
“I’m ex-ex-excited,” said Marlena, her face sporting a full smile after Carolyn finished. “Th-This is g-gonna b-be a f-fun year!”
“I think it will be, too,” agreed Emily.
“Well, we have enough to get us through January. Then we can come back to see what we want for the rest of the school year,” said Carolyn.
“It’s a lot for September through December,” countered Adam, carefully. “Do you really think we can do all of it?”
“Gotta try,” Carolyn laughed. “It’s gonna be interesting to see how much interference we get from, um,” she paused.
“The Starlighters?” questioned Emily.
“You got it,” she said, taking a deep breath.
“I’m sure they’ll make it interesting” quipped Terri.
“Do you really think they’ll interfere?” asked Ian.
“I not only ‘think’ they will,” said Carolyn confidently. “I know they will.”
“Well, we’ll just have to remain focused and stick together as a team, and not let them try to pit us against each other.”
“W-Wow,” that’s k-kind of scary,” remarked Marlena.
Do you ever wonder what it might be like to live somewhere else?
Heartsong: Re-Rooting https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2022/05/re-rooting.html?spref=tw
Questions! Always questions! How do you find the answers to your questions?
I am excited! I will be at Cresthill Baptist Church, 6519 Laurel Bowie Rd., Bowie MD for the Banquet Network
Event, Saturday, April 2, 2022 from 9:00a.m.-12:00 for their Disability Workshop.
My books will be available! I’d love to see you!
Just a quick note about the videos on the Disability Media Network— We are on hold with that. They were there, but it was discovered when you watched them, they were upside down, so they’ve removed until Tech can figure out why they keep doing that! Thanks for your patience!
February 7, 2022
I am so excited! My Story Time videos are now available for streaming on Disability Media Network (DiMe Network)! ❤️ This is the link to follow and then go to Kids Books! More of the stories will be added! I hope you'll enjoy them and please share!
January 17, 2022 My latest HeartSong post! I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Fighting stress and negativity? Ever consider singing?
January 15, 2022
Ever consider doing something different than where you find yourself? It's scary! Check out my book "More Than A Mom" about how I got out of my comfort zone!
It's on Amazon or you can contact me directly.
January 10 My Latest HeartSong Post!
How do you view the pieces?
Heartsong: He Picks Up The Pieces https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2022/01/he-picks-up-pieces.html?spref=tw
January 4, 2022
I am so blessed! What an amazing interview this turned out to be! I hope you'll enjoy reading it, and share! Thank you Lillian Brummet for this incredible opportunity!
January 3, 2022
My latest HeartSong Blog
Where or doing what, is your 'mission field'?
Heartsong: Let's Move Some Mountains https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2022/01/lets-move-some-mountains.html?spref=tw
December 30, 2021
I am beyond excited. My Read Aloud Stories will be available on a new platform! I don’t know the exact date yet, but as soon as I do, I will post it! But check this out!
December 27, 2021 HeartSong Post:
How do you handle life's trials?
December 23, 2021
Merry Christmas to all my friends, family and supporters!
You're the best! Enjoy your holiday!
Merry Christmas video:
December 22, 2021
We are all given ‘gifts’ at birth—- Steven Covey calls them ‘Birth Gifts” — which includes talents, intelligence, imagination, knowledge, capabilities, potential, and even purpose. It’s when we ‘open’ these gifts by recognizing we have the ‘power’ to do so, will opportunities present themselves. As we sharpen our skills, and use our birth given skills, the greater our capacity of productivity will be!
I’m reading a book called "The 8th Habit" by Stephen R. Covey. Came across this quote by Buckminster Fuller. Thought it interesting! Thoughts? Comments?
How do YOU think we, as adults, do this???
(An added note: Over the next weeks, as I read “The 8th Habit” I’ll be sharing my thoughts. I welcome feedback. Use the ‘contact’ tab above to share thoughts, if desired!)
December 20, 2021
Who or in what do you find hope?
Heartsong: Christmas Offers Hope https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2021/12/christmas-offers-hope.html?spref=tw
December 18, 2021
Gooooood Morning!
I am so excited!
December 13, 2021
What is your dream?
Heartsong: It Doesn't Have To Be Big https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2021/12/it-doesnt-have-to-be-big.html?spref=tw
December 11, 2021
Good Morning!
Christmas is just two weeks away. Let's talk 'holiday reading lists!'
December 6, 2021
HeartSong post: How do you give?
December 3, 2021
Hey all!
Christmas music..... Who doesn't love it?
My top ten songs! What are yours!?
Silent Night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BRVkgaIcaE
O Holy Night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1oLk54R5Xg
Away In A Manger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zVn0Kt9jYE
Oh Little Town of Bethlehem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwfkGj51S2c
Mary Did You Know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRrzLpfdY1g
Jingle Bell Rock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3E1GDSzIak
Little Drummer Boy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT1fA59oH7Q
The 12 Days of Christmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwutPrR-9YM
Silver Bells https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC_S-H5WDPA
The Greatest Gift of All https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2fXozErgNs
December 2, 2021
Good Morning! How do you get in the Christmas Spirit?
December 1, 2021
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with LOTS to be thankful for! It’s time to update you on the ‘goings on’ within my world of writing!
We’ve been busy! A LOT going on! Another new book, Read Aloud Videos every week, and more! It takes a good deal of energy, but I’m growing, and my writing is emerging into what I believe God wants it to be and I am very thankful.
BIG CHANGES to my blog posts:
I hope by now you’ve noticed my “Daily Threads” blog has a more specific angle to it. I’ve discovered writing about something I’m seriously passionate about, ‘disabilities’, is very fulfilling and rewarding. It took a little bit to get ‘a handle’ on it, because I wanted to do it right, but I am delighted. My goal is simply to “make a difference” with educational, interesting, encouraging and helpful posts.
I mentioned my weekly reading videos. I never thought I’d want to stand in front of a camera, but I’ve discovered I love doing the videos. In many ways I feel like I’m in front of a classroom of children while I read. I’m adding the links to the video blog posts found on my web page. I hope you’ll check them out! They will remain indefinitely.
https://www.margieharding.com/read-aloud Or just slip over with the tab above.
Emily is staggered by the news of her adoption. Will the anger toward her parents and obsession to find her birth mom destroy the relationship with those she's closest to? Through odd circumstances, ultimately, it's her dyslexia which finally plays a part in the choices she must make. Will her choices be the right ones?
Our newest book “Crossings” the sequel to “By Invitation Only,” is now available on Amazon or in my store at www.margieharding.com. I am very excited about this book. I love how the characters have developed, friendships forged and complications arise! I hope you’ll check it out!
What’s really cool is I’ve started a third book in the series. I’ve been amazed by how much I enjoy writing this series for middle schoolers. Who would’ve thought? I remember when I first started seriously writing, (in the late ‘80’s) the series, “Sweet Valley High” books were out and I thought that I’d love to be able to write a series like that, but I’m not sure I believed I could. God is good!
“Benson Stands His Ground” will be our newest Paxton book! (Yes, I do stay busy! But it is something I love!) This one is on Bullying. Hopefully it will be out soon!
Remember to check out the Freebies page EACH month for a new coloring page! Our November Coloring Page! Free to Download! Enjoy!
I have a new way of reaching out on my Author Page on Facebook. I am now creating Vlogs! That’s such a funny word but I get it—a cross between a video and a blog! I will be ‘vlogging’ several times a week; short (about 2 1/2-3 minute) videos on a single topic. December is all about Christmas! I hope you’ll catch a few and comment!
November 29
Can you see the light in the clouds?
http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2021/11/following-warm-light.html (HeartSong Blog!) Enjoy!
November 22, 2021
Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!
There’s something powerful about sunrise in the mountains—- even through the clouds!
November 18,2021
A recent trip to the Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg TN area!
We were blessed with beautiful Fall colors!
March 23, 2021
Can you see where God's power broke your fall during a crisis?
Heartsong: Breaking The Fall
March 8, 2021
How do you respond to the task assigned to you?
Heartsong: What We Leave Behind
March 1, 2021
Have you ever felt like running away? Read my thoughts on my “HeartSong” post:
February 22, 2021
How do you handle loss? My latest “HeartSong” post:
Heartsong: Jesus Knows Our Pain https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2021/02/jesus-knows-our-pain.html?spref=tw
February 15, 2021
Ever create something original....something new? My latest “HeartSong” post:
February 14, 2021
I am so blessed to have met Elizabeth Jekanowski, Ph.D. Assistant Professor & Director of Graduate Programs in Education!
Her thoughts this morning via Linked In!
What a blessing to have met Margie Harding through Linkedin! I found her article, “Exceptional Lives in Exceptional Times”, in the Exceptional Needs Magazine, filled with HOPEFUL tips and strategies for managing COVID stress. https://lnkd.in/g2nyjiQ.
Margie is a gifted author whose children's books are helping to raise awareness and understanding for students with varying disabilities.
Besides writing brilliantly, Margie is a delightful person!
Here is a link to Margie’s books on Amazon
To learn more about Margie, please visit her website- https://lnkd.in/gEY3bhG
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and power for ever and ever. Amen (1 Peter 4:10-11)
January 11, 2021
This is an older article, but how awesome!
Cheerleader in Wheelchair Stuns in Winning Routine
July 27, 2016, 10:08 AM
January 4, 2021
Good Morning! It's so good to see something positive! Great article!
January 1, 2021
I wrote an article “Exceptional Lives or Exceptional Times,” for the magazine, "Exceptional Needs Today," which can be accessed on line. My article is on page 36 if you are interested in reading it!
December 18, 2020
Dogs and Vets--- a great combination!
December 14, 2020 My latest HeartSong blog post.
Are you finding it difficult to sustain your 'hope'? Heartsong: Where Is Our Hope? https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/12/where-is-our-hope.html?spref=tw…
December 12, 2020
Littleton Teenager Leads Effort To Help People With Invisible Disabilities In Colorado
“Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.”
–Mark Twain (1835-1910), American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer.
November 30, 2020 Heartsong blog post:
In times of trial do you find it difficult to hang on to faith?
November 23, 2020 Heartsong blog post:
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
October 19
I’m so glad God is faithful!
HeartSong: http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/10/god-is-faithful.html
October 5
Our decisions affect not only us, as adults, but our children and extended families!
HeartSong http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/.../hard-decisions.html
September 25
Check out this interview with me from Angelika Brooke!
September 21
We are in The End Times. Are you ready?
HeartSong: http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/09/replacing-my-fear-for-faith.html
September 14
Have you ever put something in "a safe place" and then forget where?
HeartSong: http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/09/its-in-safe-place.html
September 9
Did you know:
Badgers have long sharp claws for digging, live underground, and are related to weasels and otters. They like fruit, honey and insects, and rodents like moles and mice. While they are considered shy, they can be formidable opponents when threatened by wolves or coyotes!
A picture of Brody Badger and his dad Brock Badger in the story, “The Camping Trip” on ADHD.
September 7
What do you call those occurrences which have no logical explanation?
Heartsong: God-Winks https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/09/god-winks.html?spref=tw
August 24
My latest blog post in my ‘HeartSong” blog. I hope you’ll check it out!
What are you leaving behind? http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-mark-i-make.html
Marlena, a middle-schooler, who has Down Syndrome, wants nothing more than to be included in an elite girl group in her school, but which can only be obtained "by invitation only!" How far will she go to be included and what will it do to friendships she's always had before? Available at www.paxtonseries.com or on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1952465907?
Monday, August 17
It can be hard to have faith, but we can be sure....
Heartsong: Mind Blown By God's Word https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/08/mind-blown-by-gods-word.html
Monday, August 10
What are your priorities with the relationships in your life? —My latest Heart Song post! I hope you’re blessed!
Heartsong: The Theater of Life https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-theater-of-life.html?spref=tw
Friday, July 31
PreOrders are being taken! Let me know if you are interested! authormargieharding@gmail.com
Marlena, a middle-schooler, who has Down Syndrome, wants nothing more than to be included in an elite girl group in her school, but which can only be obtained “by invitation only!” How far will she go to be included and what will it do to friendships she’s always had before?
Monday, July 20, 2020
From my latest ‘HeartSong Blog’!
Is it difficult to share our talents in this time of COVID-19? http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/07/divine-providence.html
Monday, July 13, 2020 From my latest Christian Blog site! I hope you’ll check it out! https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/07/producing-crop.html
July 9, 2020
Paxton the Prairie Dog in our “Paxton Series”
Did you know……?
“The name Prairie dog was given to these critters due to their habitat (prairies/grasslands) and their warning calls which sound like barks. The genus name Cynonyms derives from the Greek for “mouse dog”.” https://onekindplanet.org/animal/prairie-dog/
If you are interested in my Christian blog, called Heart Song, check out the link!
About The Author
Margie is wife to Charles; mother to five grown children; grandmother to sixteen grandchildren; a loyal friend and writer of children books, teen and adult books, along with inspirational material. While not currently enrolled in any formal school environment, she is a perpetual student in a variety of different subjects! She enjoys reading and learning new things. When not writing, or reading, you will likely find her quilting!
WELCOME to my new web site! We are still in the ‘creation’ stage, but I am so excited! We have lots of pages to visit, with freebies, the opportunity to become a premium member and more!
On this page, you will see daily posts (as much as possible!) about news, events and just fun stuff!
March 23, 2021
Can you see where God's power broke your fall during a crisis?
Heartsong: Breaking The Fall
March 8, 2021
How do you respond to the task assigned to you?
Heartsong: What We Leave Behind
March 1, 2021
Have you ever felt like running away? Read my thoughts on my “HeartSong” post:
February 22, 2021
How do you handle loss? My latest “HeartSong” post:
Heartsong: Jesus Knows Our Pain https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2021/02/jesus-knows-our-pain.html?spref=tw
February 15, 2021
Ever create something original....something new? My latest “HeartSong” post:
February 14, 2021
I am so blessed to have met Elizabeth Jekanowski, Ph.D. Assistant Professor & Director of Graduate Programs in Education!
Her thoughts this morning via Linked In!
What a blessing to have met Margie Harding through Linkedin! I found her article, “Exceptional Lives in Exceptional Times”, in the Exceptional Needs Magazine, filled with HOPEFUL tips and strategies for managing COVID stress. https://lnkd.in/g2nyjiQ.
Margie is a gifted author whose children's books are helping to raise awareness and understanding for students with varying disabilities.
Besides writing brilliantly, Margie is a delightful person!
Here is a link to Margie’s books on Amazon
To learn more about Margie, please visit her website- https://lnkd.in/gEY3bhG
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and power for ever and ever. Amen (1 Peter 4:10-11)
January 11, 2021
This is an older article, but how awesome!
Cheerleader in Wheelchair Stuns in Winning Routine
July 27, 2016, 10:08 AM
January 4, 2021
Good Morning! It's so good to see something positive! Great article!
January 1, 2021
I wrote an article “Exceptional Lives or Exceptional Times,” for the magazine, "Exceptional Needs Today," which can be accessed on line. My article is on page 36 if you are interested in reading it!
December 18, 2020
Dogs and Vets--- a great combination!
December 14, 2020 My latest HeartSong blog post.
Are you finding it difficult to sustain your 'hope'? Heartsong: Where Is Our Hope? https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/12/where-is-our-hope.html?spref=tw…
December 12, 2020
Littleton Teenager Leads Effort To Help People With Invisible Disabilities In Colorado
“Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.”
–Mark Twain (1835-1910), American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer.
November 30, 2020 Heartsong blog post:
In times of trial do you find it difficult to hang on to faith?
November 23, 2020 Heartsong blog post:
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
October 19
I’m so glad God is faithful!
HeartSong: http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/10/god-is-faithful.html
October 5
Our decisions affect not only us, as adults, but our children and extended families!
HeartSong http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/.../hard-decisions.html
September 25
Check out this interview with me from Angelika Brooke!
September 21
We are in The End Times. Are you ready?
HeartSong: http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/09/replacing-my-fear-for-faith.html
September 14
Have you ever put something in "a safe place" and then forget where?
HeartSong: http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/09/its-in-safe-place.html
September 9
Did you know:
Badgers have long sharp claws for digging, live underground, and are related to weasels and otters. They like fruit, honey and insects, and rodents like moles and mice. While they are considered shy, they can be formidable opponents when threatened by wolves or coyotes!
A picture of Brody Badger and his dad Brock Badger in the story, “The Camping Trip” on ADHD.
September 7
What do you call those occurrences which have no logical explanation?
Heartsong: God-Winks https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/09/god-winks.html?spref=tw
August 24
My latest blog post in my ‘HeartSong” blog. I hope you’ll check it out!
What are you leaving behind? http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-mark-i-make.html
Marlena, a middle-schooler, who has Down Syndrome, wants nothing more than to be included in an elite girl group in her school, but which can only be obtained "by invitation only!" How far will she go to be included and what will it do to friendships she's always had before? Available at www.paxtonseries.com or on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1952465907?
Monday, August 17
It can be hard to have faith, but we can be sure....
Heartsong: Mind Blown By God's Word https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/08/mind-blown-by-gods-word.html
Monday, August 10
What are your priorities with the relationships in your life? —My latest Heart Song post! I hope you’re blessed!
Heartsong: The Theater of Life https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-theater-of-life.html?spref=tw
Friday, July 31
PreOrders are being taken! Let me know if you are interested! authormargieharding@gmail.com
Marlena, a middle-schooler, who has Down Syndrome, wants nothing more than to be included in an elite girl group in her school, but which can only be obtained “by invitation only!” How far will she go to be included and what will it do to friendships she’s always had before?
Monday, July 20, 2020
From my latest ‘HeartSong Blog’!
Is it difficult to share our talents in this time of COVID-19? http://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/07/divine-providence.html
Monday, July 13, 2020 From my latest Christian Blog site! I hope you’ll check it out! https://margiejharding.blogspot.com/2020/07/producing-crop.html
July 9, 2020
Paxton the Prairie Dog in our “Paxton Series”
Did you know……?
“The name Prairie dog was given to these critters due to their habitat (prairies/grasslands) and their warning calls which sound like barks. The genus name Cynonyms derives from the Greek for “mouse dog”.” https://onekindplanet.org/animal/prairie-dog/
If you are interested in my Christian blog, called Heart Song, check out the link!